Elite Medical Prep Step 1 Biochem Starter Anki Deck
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So many medical students tell us that they really really want to start using flashcards for their USMLE Step 1 prep. However, when we discuss what’s preventing them from using flashcards many express:
‘It’s just really hard to get started.’
When we probe further, it usually means that students are unsure exactly how to make flashcards. And, they don’t want to waste time going through the process of making lots of flashcards before they start having a decent number of cards to review. Additionally, students tell us that they really just want to use the flashcards for certain topics that they feel require memorization.
So, today Elite Medical Prep is releasing its first Starter Flashcard decks for use on Anki! Specifically, our Step 1 Biochem Anki starter deck!
The purpose of these decks is to allow students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 to have a solid deck of anki flashcards on a commonly requested topic, biochem in this case. We have decided to use Anki as the platform for our flashcards because we realized that most students are using Anki, and most importantly it’s free and it’s effective. You can read more about how effective the spaced repetition used by Anki is here.
The Biochem Anki Step 1 Starter Deck is designed as follows.
- There are 100 high-quality flashcards on common biochemistry facts that are tested on the USMLE Step 1 and on related NBME practice exams.
- The point of the flashcards is NOT to be fully comprehensive but to give the student studying for the USMLE Step 1 a solid starting point for their flashcards.
- Each card has a limited amount of information on the front and the back. There is a lot more information that we could have included on these cards, but we chose to limit the amount of information so that the students using them will be encouraged to add additional facts to these cards that they feel are relevant to them personally.
- Remember, the best flashcards are those that the student either makes and/or edits themselves. The best flashcards are personalized to the needs of the particular student.
The reason we are releasing these Starter Flashcards Decks also reflects some of the issues we highlighted in our reviews of the commercially available and freely available flashcards ask for USMLE Step 1 studies. In prior years, our highest ratings went to Brosencephlaon and Zanki. However, because these pre-made decks are so large (> 10,000 cards) we have found that unless the student is totally invested in using these flashcards from at least the beginning of their 2nd year of medical school, it requires too much time to cover all these cards.
Ultimately, many students find these giant pre-made decks totally overwhelming and then give up on flashcards altogether. Although there are a number of commercially available flashcard programs that are well constructed, all of them have faults that make them less optimal compared to Anki-based systems. Therefore, we have released the Starter Deck of 100 cards on Biochemistry for Step 1 prep. Use them to get started. And, make sure to edit them and add cards to your deck, to personalize them to your study needs.
With USMLE Step 1 going pass/fail it is still just as important as ever to study effectively understand the material fully as you are studying for Step 1! See what the experts say about the new Step 1 pass/fail system, and learn more about how being well-prepared for Step 1 can set you up for success on Step 2.
These cards are totally free and all students should feel free to share some or all of the cards. We also encouraged the students to provide us feedback regarding these flashcards. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ THE CARD LABELED ‘WELCOME‘ ONCE YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED AND OPENED THE DECK.
For more help creating a study schedule, using resources effectively, adopting test-taking strategies and more consider enlisting the help of an Elite Medical Prep Step 1 tutor! Schedule your complimentary consultation today to learn more about how we can help you succeed!
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