Home » Scoring Over the 90th Percentile on Your Ob/Gyn Shelf Exam

Scoring Over the 90th Percentile on Your Ob/Gyn Shelf Exam

Pregnant woman lying on an exam table while a healthcare provider uses a fetal doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat.


Scoring over the 90th percentile on your OBG/YN shelf exam can be a great way to let your residency application shine. This is especially true if you are applying to OBG/YN residency or a related specialty like family medicine, surgery etc.  With that said, your OB/GYN clerkship is arguably one of the most complex and broad clinical rotations that you will experience in your third year of medical school.


I often hear from students that this exciting and fast-paced rotation can make shelf exam preparation a bit more challenging. You might find yourself on longer call blocks while on the labor and delivery ward, which could either lend itself to some extra study time or no study time. Babies don’t like to wait!  With these challenges in mind, creating a manageable and consistent study schedule for your OB/GYN shelf exam is very important. Below, we will review how to best prepare for your OB/GYN shelf exam and how to set yourself apart with a score over the 90th percentile!



Start Early to Reach the 90th Percentile in OB/GYN


One of the most valuable pieces of advice for medical school exam preparation is to start early. As the saying goes, “the early bird gets the worm.” With only 6-8 weeks to master the core concepts of OB/GYN, it’s essential to begin your exam prep on day one and maintain momentum until test day. Since the shelf exam typically has a 50-50 split of OB to GYN questions, it’s crucial to map out your study topics early on to ensure you cover all necessary content. A customizable study planner (coming soon) can help you allocate adequate time for content review, practice questions, spaced repetition learning, and self-assessment exams. By setting yourself up with a solid plan from the start of your rotation, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success on exam day.


Key Areas to Focus On for a 90th Percentile OB/GYN Score


The complete content outline for the OB/GYN shelf exam is available through the NBME website found here  NBME’s Obstetrics & Gynecology Subject Exam Content Outline

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this outline as well as your course syllabus so you can pay special attention to these areas while preparing for your exam.   

Here are some areas that are specifically “high yield”:



-Prenatal care


-Labor and delivery

-Obstetrical complications

-Newborn (birth to 4 weeks)



-Menstrual cycle 



-Sexualy dysfunction

-Adverse effects of drugs on female reproductive system and breast 



Let Your Rotation Serve as a Study Guide


During your clinical rotation, you’ll encounter a wealth of relevant exam topics while seeing patients. These valuable experiences can not only teach you new concepts but also help solidify what you’re learning. By relating exam content to real-life patient encounters, you’re more likely to recall the information on test day.


To maximize this learning opportunity, familiarize yourself with your course syllabus and the NBME’s Obstetrics & Gynecology Subject Exam Content Outline. This will help you focus on key topic areas as they arise during your rotation. I highly recommend supplementing your learning by reviewing material during breaks or at the end of the day using trusted resources such as UpToDate, ACOG practice bulletins, AMBOSS library, or case files for OB/GYN. By leveraging your rotation as a study guide, you’ll not only improve your exam score but also elevate your overall performance on this rotation.



Always Ask Questions


Don’t hesitate to ask questions during rotations – every question deserves an answer. Remember, there are no dumb questions, so take the initiative to seek out the answers you need. Of course, your preceptor is a fantastic resource for questions so find out how your preceptor prefers to handle your questions. Some preceptors encourage questions throughout the day while others may ask that you save questions until the end of the day when there is more time. Either way, be ready for the opportunity when you can ask your questions.  


These conversations can really lend themselves to you during your OB/GYN shelf exam preparation. As mentioned before, your rotation experiences can help you master exam content by linking it to real-life clinical practice. Beyond Q&A sessions with your preceptor, take the initiative to find answers to any remaining questions that arise during your rotation. When in doubt, look it up! Utilize your favorite study materials to do this. Here are some of our favorite study references: uptodate, AMBOSS library, first aid, ACOG practice bulletins, and case files for OB/GYN and onlinemeded.  



Practice Questions: Essential for Scoring in the 90th Percentile on OB/GYN


This one is vital to scoring over 90th percentile on your OB/GYN shelf exam. Active learning in the form of practice questions is an extremely powerful way to prepare for your exam.  There are lots of good qbanks to choose from but make sure you are ready to go with your qbank from the start of your rotation.


When creating your study schedule for your rotation, aim to complete 10-20 qbank questions daily in tutor mode. The exact number will depend on the qbank you’re using and the availability of practice questions at the time of your shelf exam prep. Be sure to allocate time in your schedule to thoroughly review these questions. This is where you’ll really start to focus on high-yield material and identify common question themes. You’ll also uncover areas where you need more practice, including incorrect answer choices that require further review.


Maximizing Practice Question Reviews


Reviewing questions effectively is just as important as completing them. I recommend reviewing all questions, even those you got right, as the answer explanations often contain valuable pearls that can help you on the exam. Even if you answered correctly, you may have encountered an unfamiliar concept or term, which you can then explore further to fill a knowledge gap. While not all questions will require extra research, some may need a deeper dive using external resources like UpToDate, review books, or video explanations. If you’re short on time, make a running list of topics to revisit later. At a minimum, be sure to read the educational objective of each practice question. Consistent and effective practice question review can significantly enhance your exam prep.


A good goal is to try to work through all your qbank questions by the end of your rotation. If getting through the whole qbank doesn’t seem doable for you, just focus on effectively and thoroughly reviewing the question as discussed above. This high-quality studying is what will help you achieve a 90th percentile or higher score.   Uworld and AMBOSS are excellent qbanks but others like uWISE through APGO are also good.  Some medical schools offer these resources, so be sure to check with yours to see if they’re available.



Work on Knowledge Gaps


One of the most important aspects of OB/GYN shelf exam prep is allocating sufficient time to fill in knowledge gaps. A knowledge gap refers to the difference between what you currently know on a topic and what you need to know for the exam. For instance, if your preceptor asks you a question about treating syphilis exposure in pregnancy and you’re unsure, make a point to thoroughly research and fill in that knowledge gap. Similarly, if you’re consistently struggling with practice questions on pap smear guidelines, dedicate time to mastering those guidelines. Consider keeping a running list of topics that require more attention, allowing you to systematically address each gap and reinforce your knowledge.


Once you have reviewed the material by either reading, watching videos or listening to podcasts etc., the goal is then to test yourself on this material. Creating ANKI cards or using a premade ANKI deck on the topic can be a great way to test your knowledge. Another great way to test yourself is through the use of Qbanks. UWorld Step 2 CK allows you to toggle back and forth between shelf review and Step 2 review. This can be a great way to test your knowledge.  



Don’t Forget Self-Assessments


To stay on track, schedule self-assessments throughout your rotation and treat them like the actual test. The NBME OB/GYN self-assessments are an excellent resource, with four forms currently available. Consider taking one early in your rotation to establish a baseline knowledge level – the score isn’t important, but it will help you get familiar with the question types and topics tested. Then, complete the others throughout your rotation to track your progress and identify remaining knowledge gaps.


To get the most out of your self-assessments, take them on your off days, simulating the actual test experience. This means working in a quiet environment, fueling up with a balanced diet, and getting a good night’s rest beforehand. By doing so, you’ll make the actual exam day feel more comfortable and familiar. After completing the self-assessment in timed mode, take a break to rest and recharge before reviewing the questions, just as you would with your qbank practice questions. These self-assessments are a valuable resource, packed with high-yield information that will help you excel on your shelf exam.



It’s Okay to Ask for Help


As mentioned earlier OB/GYN is a demanding rotation with a broad range of topics needed to learn for your shelf exam. If you are sticking to your schedule but find that you are struggling in some areas, reach out for help.  Your preceptor, clerkship director, and fellow students can all be great resources to ask for some guidance. Forming or joining study groups can also be a great way to stay accountable and work through some more difficult concepts. If you are still having difficulty or looking to score your absolute best on your OB/GYN shelf, you may benefit from a tutor. Elite medical prep is here to help! Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more, or purchase your trial session today!

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About the Author

Cortney Whittington, MD

After graduating magna cum laude from Florida State University, Cortney was then accepted to Florida State University College of Medicine. She achieved honors in Internal…

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