About the Author

Brittany Glassberg

Graduating with distinction from Duke University with a BS in Neuroscience and a Minor in Chemistry and Psychology in 2016, Brittany Glassberg was matriculated in the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai via the FlexMed Program. In 2019, Brittany was inducted into the Arnold P Gold Humanism Honor Society and was able to achieve honors in all her clinical rotations. Currently, Brittany is participating in the National Institutes of Health Medical Research Scholars Program with a research focus in using CRISPR and gene analysis technology to explore new treatments for pediatric oncology patients.

How to Study for the Internal Medicine Shelf Exam: A Practical Study Plan

8 min


Someone using their laptop for studying the Internal Medicine Shelf Exam.


So you’ve got the internal medicine shelf exam ahead of you huh? Well, don’t stress! While shelf exams may seem stressful or intimidating at first, with proper preparation and planning, you’ll do just fine. Here are our tips on how to study for the IM shelf exam.

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