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How to Study for the American Board of Internal Medicine Exam

12 min


Someone with open book studying for ABIM Exam


The ABIM tests your knowledge on common and rare diagnoses expected from a board-certified internist according to American Board of Internal Medicine standards. To set yourself up for success, it is important to start early and practice often.

How to Study to Score a 280 on USMLE Step 2 CK

25 min




Having scored in the 270-280 range on Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 of the USMLE, I am often asked by students questions like “What’s your secret?”, “How can I plan my study schedule to…

How to Manage USMLE Step 1 Test Anxiety

a student holding knees up with hand on forehead managing Step 1 test anxiety


Just like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, at times medical students can feel like they are living the same day over and over again (especially now in the midst of coronavirus test cancellations). Between learning new content, spending long hours studying, and anxiously taking exams, many students feel stuck in a perpetual cycle of anxiety

2023 Guide to Creating High-Yield Flashcard Decks on UWorld

A deck of empty flashcards to be used on UWorld.


UWorld flashcards have several unique features that make them particularly well suited to USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 prep. The flashcard feature utilizes spaced repetition systems and is completely integrated with the UWorld question bank which makes creating flashcards very simple. Here’s our guide to creating UWorld cards!

How to Use the AAMC Residency Explorer Tool

13 min


A residency applicant at their interview.


Let’s talk about using memory palaces to memorize information for your medical school exams! The idea here is to create a visual vocabulary that is distinct and fun – something you enjoy making, something that will stick in your mind, something that clearly represents the information you’re memorizing.

A Complete Guide to Getting Through the UWorld QBank Twice

14 min


Top view of someone using laptop for UWorld QBank


In this post, we’re going to lay out a template for how you can plan ahead, complete two full passes through the UWorld QBank, and earn yourself the score you want on Step 1!

How to Make Memory Palaces in Medical School

10 min


A medical student studying during medical school.


Let’s talk about using memory palaces to memorize information for your medical school exams! The idea here is to create a visual vocabulary that is distinct and fun – something you enjoy making, something that will stick in your mind, something that clearly represents the information you’re memorizing.

Things IMGs Can Do to Improve Their Chance of US Residency Matching

7 min


An IMG resident holding a globe.


Applying for residency is a stressful process with much that feels out of the applicant’s control. In truth however, there are some very important actions that can be taken to maximize your chances for success as an IMG!

How to Study for COMLEX Level 2-CE

Student on laptop studying for COMLEX Level 2 CE


One of the hardest decisions that all medical students face involves picking the resources to help them succeed on their board exams. To provide you the best and most accurate advice, we have our tutors personally utilize the services we review. In this blog post, we will share our impressions of TrueLearn’s SmartBanks for COMLEX Level 1 and COMLEX Level 2 CE.

How to Best Use First Aid USMLE Step 1 to Study

A medical school student using a First Aid study book to study for the USMLE Step 1.


First Aid for USMLE Step 1 is arguably the most important study resource for the USMLE Step 1 exam (alongside your favorite qbank, of course!). Together, First Aid and a well established qbank like UWorld can help both struggling students pass Step 1, and high-achievers score 260+

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