About the Author

Chris Bassil

Recieving his BA in English from Duke University in 2012, Christopher Bassil was matriculated in the Duke Medical Scientist Training Program in 2015. Achieving honors in Internal Medicine, OB/Gyn, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry, Chris is currently completing a PhD in Molecular Cancer Biology. In addition to his contributions to the Elite Medical Blog, Chris is also a published academic author and his work can be found on his tutor bio page.

A Complete Guide to Getting Through the UWorld QBank Twice

14 min


Top view of someone using laptop for UWorld QBank


In this post, we’re going to lay out a template for how you can plan ahead, complete two full passes through the UWorld QBank, and earn yourself the score you want on Step 1!

Should You Use AI to Write Your Medical School Admissions or Residency Application Personal Statement? Probably Not.

7 min


A robot holding a stethoscope.


The recent release of the AI writing program chatGPT has brought AI-based writing to a much more advanced level. The implications of this technology on essay writing for medical school applications and residency applications are uncertain but likely profound. Two of the senior members of Elite Medical Prep have written...

AMBOSS vs. UWorld: Which is a Better USMLE Resource?

14 min


Student studying for USMLE exam in front of her laptop.


As a board exam tutor, the first meeting I have with almost any new student involves a discussion of their study schedule and resources. During those sessions, I always ask students which resources they’re planning to use to study for their specific board exam. Most of the time, my students...

How I Counsel Students Based on Their UWorld Step 1 and Step 2 QBank Performance Analysis

14 min


An open laptop on the UWorld website.


When it comes to the USMLE exams, specifically, there are many data sources. In this blog post, I discuss one of the largest and most comprehensive sources: the UWorld Step 1 and Step 2 CK QBank performance analysis tools.

How to Write a Personal Statement Hook

21 min


Someone writing their personal statement for Residency


If possible, the personal statement for your medical school or residency application should start with you, in your underwear and a gas mask, crashing an RV in the middle of the desert. Let me explain.

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