About the Author

Karolina Woroniecka, MD/PhD

As a former Howard Hughes Medical Institute Student Fellow, Karolina Woroniecka graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University with a B.S. in Biology and Hispanic Studies in 2013. Matriculated in the Duke Medical Scientist Training Program that same year, Karolina was awarded honors in all her clinical rotations. As an MD/PhD student at Duke, Karolina received a direct match into the Duke neuropathology program, one of the top 3 brain tumor centers in the nation. Her research focus is in cancer immunotherapy for brain tumors. Karolina has strong family ties to medical schools in Poland, and has done extensive tutoring work with students from international medical schools. She is also a published academic author, and her work can be found here.

USMLE Step 1 Practice Question Types

College students taking the USMLE Step 1.


There are many different types of USMLE Step 1 questions, and preparing for each type of question can help students gain confidence in their question approach and test-taking strategy.

5 Effective Study Tips to Help You Prepare for COMLEX Level 1

A student doing online studying and preparing for COMLEX Level 1


COMLEX Level 1 is a tough exam. Not only does it assess basic science content at the same level as the equivalent USMLE Step 1, it also tests the principles of osteopathic medicine.  Furthermore, the questions themselves can often throw you for a loop. Many students find that the questions...

2023 Guide to Creating High-Yield Flashcard Decks on UWorld

A deck of empty flashcards to be used on UWorld.


UWorld flashcards have several unique features that make them particularly well suited to USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 prep. The flashcard feature utilizes spaced repetition systems and is completely integrated with the UWorld question bank which makes creating flashcards very simple. Here’s our guide to creating UWorld cards!

Best COMLEX Level 1 Prep Study Resources

Student using laptop while studying for COMLEX level 1.


COMLEX Level 1 studying can be a daunting task. Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot more resources geared primarily towards USMLE Step 1 prep that mention using the resource “also for COMLEX prep” as a side note without

UWorld in 30 Days: Making the Most out of UWorld’s Most Basic Subscription

Medical school student studying for the USMLE in a library in front of a laptop, making the most of her UWorld subscription.


Is it worth it to get UWorld’s most basic 30 day subscription? While we certainly don’t advise waiting until a month before your test date to start going through UWorld, it is actually possible to get through one full pass in only 30 days.

When to Start UWorld for USMLE Step 1

Birds eye view of someone using laptop for USMLE Step 1


UWorld is unquestionably the best resource for the USMLE. Students have been known to score 270+ just by using UWorld and First Aid. There are also students, however, who have gone through the question bank 3 or more times, and can’t seem

Most Common Reasons for Failing USMLE Step 1

Young lady covering face with hands after failing USMLE Step 1


Failed USMLE Step 1?   Failing USMLE Step 1 is not uncommon. 2022 NBME performance data show that the passing rate for 1st time test takers with a US or Canadian MD degree was 93%; with a US or Canadian DO degree was 89%; and for non-US or Canadian degrees...

Mnemonics Aren’t Enough to Pass USMLE Step 1

A group of medical school students studying for the USMLE Step 1.


Mnemonics are undoubtedly a fantastic way to remember information, but memorization alone won’t be enough to help you pass USMLE Step 1. Here are the benefits and limitations of mnemonics in medical school.

How I Used My UWorld Subscription for MS1 and MS2

An MS2 and MS1 medical school student in front of an open laptop studying using UWorld Qbank.


While most students do not wonder if they should use UWorld, they do often ask when they should start using UWorld. Here’s why I argue that beginning USMLE studies during MS1 is not too early…

How to Best Use First Aid USMLE Step 1 to Study

A medical school student using a First Aid study book to study for the USMLE Step 1.


First Aid for USMLE Step 1 is arguably the most important study resource for the USMLE Step 1 exam (alongside your favorite qbank, of course!). Together, First Aid and a well established qbank like UWorld can help both struggling students pass Step 1, and high-achievers score 260+

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