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How to Score 260 on USMLE Step 1

7 min


Medical student studying at home for the USMLE Step 1 in front of a laptop and medical textbooks.


The passing score for USMLE step 1 is 194. However, the average step score for an allopathic medical student in 2018 who matched into their preferred specialty was 232.8. A good step score is

Best Ways to Study for Step 2CK

16 min



USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) presents a different challenge as compared to Step 1 because clinical experiences (and thus, knowledge gained during a clerkship) may vary widely amongst students. Thus, there

How to Study for USMLE Step 1 During MS2

7 min


MS2 studying for the USMLE Step 1 in a library.


Learning how to study for USMLE Step 1 begins long before your dedicated period if you want to score highly on your exam. Becoming familiar with and starting to use content dense resources such as First Aid, Sketchy, and Pathoma during MS2 gives you more time to learn content and ultimately a less intense study schedule when dedicated rolls around.

Why QBanks are a CRUCIAL Part of Your USMLE Review

A medical student doing practice questions for the USMLE in front of a laptop.


So you’ve downloaded all the study schedules you can get your hands on, can practically recite pages from First Aid in your sleep, maybe bought a couple subscriptions for video lecture series, but still you’re wondering: Am I doing this right? Here’s an easy guide.

Failing USMLE Step 1: What to Do

14 min


A medical school student laying her head down on a pile of USMLE Step 1 study books, holding up a "help" sign.


While 96% of USMLE test takers typically pass, if you’re someone who falls within that 4% and didn’t pass on your first try, you should know that each year over 20,000 people take USMLE Step 1. That means even within that 4%, there are at least 800 other students in your exact same situation. So, what do you do? We’ll tell you.

What if I fail? Bouncing back on the USMLE Step 1

Frustrated student studying for the USMLE Step 1.


What if I fail USMLE Step 1? It’s a question that most medical students contemplate at some point in the months (or years) before their USMLE Step 1 test day finally arrives.  If you find yourself trying to answer that question, this blog post by our top USMLE Step 1...

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