About the Author

Christina M. Boada, MD, MSc

How Much Time Should You Actually Spend Studying For Step 3?

A doctor holding a small graduation cap after having completed the USMLE Step 3.


When entering medical school, the thought of impending USMLE exams looms over the preclinical and clinical years. Once Step 1 and Step 2 are traversed, residency is on the horizon and the idea of further examination preparation can be unsavory. However, Step 3 is not an exam to be taken...

2024-2025 Match Cycle Residency Application Timeline

A preview of Elite Medical Prep's 2023-2024 residency application timeline.


The final year of medical school marks the start of your residency application journey. To succeed, you need a clear understanding of the application process and its key milestones. For this purpose, we've created a detailed timeline to help you navigate the application process! This valuable resource includes: Key deadlines...

Beginners Guide To Getting Into A Residency Program

A medical resident wearing scrubs and holding a stethoscope around her neck.


Each year, thousands of medical students anxiously await their MATCH results in the third week of March, a culmination of nearly a decade or more in education and training. While the process may seem daunting, remember you have applied to college and medical school in the past, and this process...

Best Resources for Understanding Biostatistics for Step 2CK

A doctor holding a stack of Step 2CK Biostatistics textbooks.


On January 6th, 2022, the USMLE Step 1 Exam became a pass or fail exam. This forever changed the landscape of the USMLE exams going forward. At present, the only graded USMLE examination prior to applying to residency is the USMLE Step 2CK examination. This exam is a unique opportunity...

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