About the Author

Cortney Whittington, MD

After graduating magna cum laude from Florida State University, Cortney was then accepted to Florida State University College of Medicine. She achieved honors in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Psychiatry. She completed her Family Medicine Residency at Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare in 2014 and has practiced medicine in a number of healthcare settings including outpatient primary care and urgent care. She began working as an Assistant Clinical Professor with Florida State University College of Medicine in 2016 where she taught numerous clinical rotations including Family Medicine and Advanced Family Medicine clerkships.

Insights from Volunteering in Healthcare: How Giving Back Can Shape Your Medical Career

Medical student in blue scrubs holding a clipboard, engaged in a conversation in a healthcare volunteering environment.


If you’re reading this, you’re likely a medical student or aspiring to become one, exploring ways to gain experience that aligns with your educational and career aspirations. As current and future physicians, we find immense fulfillment in the act of giving. Our passion for medicine is fueled by the profound...

How to Honor Your Family Medicine Rotation: Advice From a Former Preceptor

Young doctor in a white coat with stethoscope, ready to excel in a family medicine rotation.


Your Family Medicine rotation is a fantastic opportunity to develop a broad set of clinical competencies that will benefit you in any field of medicine. In fact, honoring your Family Medicine rotation can prepare you for future rotations and board exams like Step 2 CK and Step 3 (as well...

Scoring Over the 90th Percentile on Your Ob/Gyn Shelf Exam

Pregnant woman lying on an exam table while a healthcare provider uses a fetal doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat.


Scoring over the 90th percentile on your OBG/YN shelf exam can be a great way to let your residency application shine. This is especially true if you are applying to OBG/YN residency or a related specialty like family medicine, surgery etc.  With that said, your OB/GYN clerkship is arguably one...

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