About the Author

Dylan Eiger, MD/PhD Candidate

In 2016, Dylan Eiger graduated Cum Laude from Duke University with a BS in Chemistry with a concentration in Biochemistry. Matriculated in the MD/PhD Duke Medical Scientist Training Program in 2016, Dylan achieved honors in all clinical rotations and was accepted into Alpha Omega Alpha. He recently completed his PhD in Biochemistry in early 2022.

Your Guide To Mastering the Art of Patient Presentations During Clinical Clerkships

A medical student presenting a patient on her clinical clerkship.


Clinical clerkships represent your transition from the classroom to the front lines of patient care. Central to this experience is the art and science of patient presentations—a skill that not only communicates the patient's condition but also reflects your depth of knowledge, critical thinking, and ability to collaborate with the...

Balancing Act: Managing Research Responsibilities During Clinical Rotations

Medical School students participating in a research opportunity during their clinical rotations.


Your journey through medical school is marked by crucial milestones, and arguably the most pivotal phase is your time spent in the hospital and clinic. These hands-on experiences in different healthcare settings provide a bridge between classroom knowledge and practical application. However, integrating research into clinical rotations enhances the educational...

How to Prepare for Residency Match Day

An excited residency applicant learning that she matched for residency.


The day you have been waiting for has finally arrived! You have spent years training to become a doctor. And in just a few days or weeks, you will learn on Match Day where you will spend the next few years of your life as a practicing physician in residency....

Preparing for the USMLE Step 1 as a Pass/Fail Exam

A medical school student holding a notebook and looking at a laptop while preparing for the USMLE Step 1 as a pass/fail exam.


The time has come for you to prepare for the USMLE Step 1! This can be an exciting but also nerve-racking time. However, with the recent change that the USMLE Step 1 is now a purely pass/fail examination. You can find respite in knowing that all you have to do...

COMLEX to USMLE Conversion: Insights for Osteopathic Medical Students

An Osteopathic DO medical school student taking the USMLE Step 2 exam.


Students who have taken the COMLEX Level 1 may wonder how they can use this score to predict their USMLE Step 1 score. While the administrators of the COMLEX are currently developing a study plan for the development of a valid and reliable conversion formula of

How to Pass USMLE Step 2

A medical school student customizing their USMLE Step 2 study plan on a daily planner.


Arguably the most important test you will take as a medical student is the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK). Given that this is the only remaining USMLE exam that reports a score (at least one that matters), it is expected that this test will...

What Does Medical Residency Advising Include?

A medical residency applicant meeting with her advisor over a video chat meeting on her laptop.


The time has finally come – you are approaching the end of medical school and are preparing to apply for medical residency, and you are considering residency advising! While exciting, this time can also be fraught with unknowns and uncertainties. Everyone has their own unique journey to getting into residency....

Mistakes Medical Students Make While Studying for Shelf Exams

A group of medical school students in scrubs studying for their shelf exams while in the hospital for their clinical rotations.


During your first clinical year of medical school, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. You will find yourself taking care of patients, rounding, working in the operating room, reading about your patients’ diseases, creating case presentations, and more, all while studying for your shelf exams. Here, we will discuss the...

Six Tips to Help You Succeed on Your Clinical Clerkships

A group of medical students in a hospital completing their clinical rotation.


During your third year of medical school, you will get the opportunity to go into the hospital and help with patient care during your clinical clerkships. For many students, this is the first time they get to work with patients, round with a medical team, assist with surgeries, and more....

Best Resources to Help You Prepare for Your Surgery Shelf Exam

A sudent looking at a book in the library, one of the best resources for Surgery Shelf Exam.


If you are preparing for your Surgery Shelf, the first and most important piece of advice I can share with you is to start early! Surgery is arguably one of the most demanding and time-consuming rotations you will participate in during your clinical year of medical school, so the earlier...

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