About the Author

Ella Eisinger

In 2020, Ella graduated Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from Stanford University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with Honors and Distinction. After briefly working in biotech, she began medical school at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is currently a fourth-year medical student. Throughout her studies, Ella has been heavily involved in teaching: as an undergraduate she worked as a campus writing tutor and Human Behavioral Biology TA, and during medical school she has been invited to the roles of Clinical Anatomy Head TA, Cell and Tissue Biology TA, Ultrasound TA, and peer tutor for preclinical students. Ella is also a published academic author. She is currently applying to residency programs in Internal Medicine with ultimate plans to specialize in Pulmonary and Critical Care.

The Best Way to Study Anatomy in Medical School: Tips from an Anatomy TA

14 min


A medical school anatomy TA holding up a diagram of human internal organs.


Clinical Anatomy is a cardinal experience of medical education. For many, the cadaver dissected during the first year of medical school will come to be remembered as their “first patient,” inviting a novel reckoning with both the resilience and inevitable mortality of the human body. In addition to its rather...

How Long is USMLE Step 2? Questions and Time Limits for Step 2

7 min


Desk with USMLE Step 2 study materials, including textbooks, notes, and three people collaborating on exam prep.


USMLE Step 2 is often compared to running a marathon. While I would argue that one could run two marathons (and perhaps even start a third) in the time it takes to sit for Step 2, the analogy nonetheless starts to capture the endurance required to sit for such an...

Guide to Using UWorld For Step 2 CK

18 min


A medical school student using UWorld to study for the USMLE Step 2 CK in a library in front of a laptop.


This blog was originally posted on January 17, 2023, and updated in December 2024.   Growing up, my studying always seemed to follow a natural sequence: learn new content, review that content, and then quiz yourself on that content with practice questions. The idea of beginning with the end, i.e.,...

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