About the Author

Karissa Libson

Karissa is attending the Ohio State University College of Medicine where she is in her 4th and final year of medical school.

A Detailed Review of the AMBOSS Step 2 CK Self-Assessment

10 min


Medical student preparing for the USMLE Step 2 exam, taking notes at a desk with a laptop and study materials, representing focused study and exam preparation.


As you prepare for the high-stakes USMLE Step 2 exam, practice exams are a crucial tool to gauge your progress and identify areas for improvement. While many students rely on NBME and UWorld self-assessments, the AMBOSS Step 2 CK self-assessment offers another valuable tool for gauging readiness and reviewing key...

How to Get a 90th Percentile Score in Your Psychiatry Shelf

7 min


A doctor in a white coat, holding a card with the word "psychiatry" written on it, symbolizing the focus of the blog on achieving a high score in the Psychiatry Shelf Exam.


Most medical students will take NBME Clinical Science Subject Exams, or “shelf” exams at the end of a clinical rotation. Depending on your medical school, there may be different score or percentile cutoffs for passing and honors grading. While the grading system at each medical school is unique, a 90th...

Proven Strategies to Ace USMLE Step 2 CK with a 90th Percentile Score

18 min


A medical student studies intently in a library, reviewing notes and resources, symbolizing the dedication and focused preparation needed to achieve a high score on the USMLE Step 2 CK.


Having scored above the 90th percentile on Step 2, students often ask “How do I get a 90th percentile score on Step 2?”, “How long should I study for Step 2 CK?”, and “What’s the best study plan for Step 2 CK?”   Mastering this exam is a combination of...

Bridging Medicine and Community Care

11 min


A smiling medical student in a white coat, holding a clipboard and engaging with a patient in a community clinic setting.


Many of us go into medicine because we want to “help people”. Explicitly saying this phrase is generally discouraged, but almost every version of a personal statement for a medical profession will contain some iteration of this sentiment. One of the best ways to accomplish this mission is to be...

Why Getting a High Percentile Score on Your Shelf Exams is More Important Than Ever

6 min


Study essentials for shelf exams including an open notebook, headphones, pencils, and a cup of coffee on a desk.


Many medical students take NBME Clinical Science Subject Exams, or “shelf” exams after completing core clinical rotations in Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, OBGYN, Family Medicine, Neurology, and Pediatrics. While passing and honors scores for these exams differ between medical schools, it is important to do your best on...

Study Strategies for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) for Step 2 CK

7 min


A group of diverse international medical graduates (IMGs) studying together at a table, using laptops and tablets, symbolizing collaboration and preparation for the USMLE Step 2 CK exam.


International medical gradutes (IMGs) represented ⅓ of the applicants to residency programs participating in the 2022 main residency match (30.4%). IMGs include both US-citizens who graduate from foreign medical schools and non-US citizens who graduate from foreign medical schools. However, despite their significant presence in the applicant pool, IMGs often...

Pros and Cons: Is the AMBOSS Step 1 Self Assessment Worth Your Time?

8 min


A smiling woman with curly hair and glasses, reviewing study materials at her desk, representing a medical student preparing for the USMLE Step 1 exam using various resources like the AMBOSS Step 1 Self-Assessment.


When it comes to acing USMLE Step 1, practice exams are essential. You've likely heard of NBME and UWorld self-assessments, but have you considered Amboss Step 1 Self-Assessment? In this post, we'll put it to the test: how does it stack up against the competition, and is it worth your...

How to Maintain Work-Life Balance During USMLE Step 2 Prep

8 min


Person balancing wooden blocks with the words 'WORK' and 'LIFE' on a seesaw, symbolizing work-life balance during USMLE prep.


How to Maintain Work-Life Balance During USMLE Step 2 Prep   Medical school is notoriously time-consuming and dedicated study periods for USMLE board exams (Step 1, Step 2) can be even more demanding. While your preparation for USMLE Step 2 CK can be stretched out over a long period during...

Navigating the Transition from Step 1 to Step 2 CK

11 min


A medical student studying for his USMLE Step 2 CK exam at home in front of a laptop.


Navigating the USMLE Step 1 to Step 2 CK transition is a pivotal moment for many medical students, demanding a thorough grasp of the similarities and differences between these two exams. In this blog, we'll explore essential facets of each exam, from their structure and content to strategic insights for...

Aim High or Just Pass USMLE Step 1

9 min


Medical school student studying for the USMLE Step 1 at home.


Every year, medical students between second and fourth year will sit for the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK. With upcoming changes to how USMLE Step 1 is scored, many students find themselves wondering “What score do I really need?”

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