About the Author

Lauren Becker, MD

In 2014, Lauren Becker graduated Summa Cum Laude from Washington University in St. Louis with a BA in Music Performance and Chemistry. Following the completion of her undergrad, Lauren was accepted to NYU School of Medicine where she recieved her MD in 2018 and was awarded honors in Medicine, Neurology, Surgery, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine. Currently, Lauren is completing her residency at Denver Health Medical Center, the #3 ranked ER residency in the country.

Master Your Step 3 Exam with EMP’s Comprehensive Study Planner

14 min


6-week Study Planner preview image for USMLE Step 3 by Elite Medical Prep.


Are you preparing to tackle the USMLE Step 3 exam head-on? As you navigate the path toward medical licensure, mastering Step 3 is pivotal. This final frontier demands meticulous preparation and strategic planning. Here's where our Step 3 study planner steps in. Designed to streamline your study efforts and maximize...

5 Tips on Studying for Step 3

11 min


Student sitting at desk with laptop and studying for USMLE Step 3


In the busy life of residency, scheduling, studying for, and taking USMLE step 3 can seem like an insurmountable obstacle. You’re already catching naps in the call-room, and now you’re expected to study for a…

Saving Money on Residency Applications

6 min


someone putting coins into a piggy bank and saving money on residency applications


The cost of interviewing for residency can be a very expensive process for many applicants. As interviewing for residency usually involves travel, the median cost of interviewing in recent years has been roughly $3,900! Here’s how to cut that number down.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Zanki Deck for USMLE Step 1 Studies

14 min


An empty flashcard in front of a laptop and ready to be used for USMLE Step 1 studying.


Zanki (if you don't already know) is a very popular flashcard deck option for students studying for USMLE Step 1. If you're at the beginning of your dedicated study period and haven't selected a flashcard resource yet, we strongly advise you to check out our flashcard resource reviews to help you...

How to Use the ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service)

5 min


A prospective resident working on her ERAS application on her tablet.


ERAS, which stands for the Electronic Residency Application Service, is an online portal which contains the essential components to enable you to apply for residency

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