What to Look For in a Residency Program
Residency application is fast approaching and students need to decide which programs they want to apply to and ultimately interview at. When compiling a list of these programs, there are several key factors that ought to be kept in mind.
Post Interview Communication: The Residency Thank You Letter or Email
Feeling the silence and uncertainty between your last interview and Match day? If you’re wondering if you should or shouldn’t reach out to send a quick residency thank you letter to the program for their time during interview day, here’s what you need to know.
How to Make Your Residency Rank List
You’ve spent countless hours pouring over every word in your ERAS application and personal statement, you’ve traveled far and wide to be wined and dined and interviewed, and you feel that you’ve taken one too many hospital tours in the past few months. Well, congratulations, now, the fun begins… let’s talk rank list.
How Many Residency Programs & Where to Apply
The most important step in deciding where to apply for residency is an honest evaluation of what specialty you are applying to. While it can be hard sometimes to “get real” with yourself about your USMLE scores, distinguishing features, etc. this step is critical because it can determine whether you match or not.