About the Author

Mary Ferranti, MD

Strategies for USMLE Step 2 CK

11 min


Medical student studying for USMLE Step 2 CK in a library.


The United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 2 CK has become an increasingly more important part of the residency application now that USMLE Step 1 has become pass/fail. Thankfully, this exam tests your knowledge of clinical content learned during clerkship rotations instead of that one enzyme in the Krebs...

UWorld Mastery: A Roadmap for Step 1 Success

11 min


A medical school student studying for USMLE Step 1 on her laptop in a cafe.


The United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 1 Step 1 stands as a crucial milestone for medical students, typically undertaken between their second and third year of medical school. Despite its pass/fail nature, it remains a challenging exam, demanding thorough preparation. Most medical schools allocate 4-8 weeks of dedicated...

What to Bring With You to Your Step 2 Exam

11 min


group of medical school students taking their Step 2 exam at a Prometric center.


Preparing for USMLE Step 2  is no small feat. You have spent hours dissecting UWorld questions and crushing your Shelf exams. All while still diligently learning how to be an exemplary physician in your classes and clerkship rotations. With so much on your plate, you may forget that one of...

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