2024-2025 Match Cycle Residency Application Timeline

A preview of Elite Medical Prep's 2023-2024 residency application timeline.


The final year of medical school marks the start of your residency application journey. To succeed, you need a clear understanding of the application process and its key milestones. For this purpose, we've created a detailed timeline to help you navigate the application process! This valuable resource includes: Key deadlines...

Everything You Need to Know About the Transitional (TY)/Preliminary (PY) Residency Programs

16 min


A med school student sitting in front of a laptop in a living room, filling out a transitional residency year application.


After a long road, you are finally embarking on the residency application process! When planning your application and future training goals, information, and new “lingo” on the different types of residency positions out there can be overwhelming. It may be hard to know where to begin. From categorical versus advanced...

The Impact of Step 2 CK Scores on Residency Interviews

9 min


A residency program applicant being reviewed by residency program leadership.


Applying to residency and contemplating the likelihood of securing interviews can be stressful. You've dedicated your entire medical school career to studying, conducting research, taking exams, and presenting your best self on applications. With the transition of USMLE Step 1 to a pass/fail grading system, medical students now face heightened...

How Long Is Residency by Specialty?

13 min


A group of medical residents in their chosen specialty, smiling and wearing scrubs in a hospital.


Residency is a stage of medical training that, in the US, is completed after medical school. As post-graduate medical education, residency training ranges in length depending on what field you are training for. Additionally within each field, there are opportunities to specialize even further through an added few years of...

Choosing Your Specialty: Gaining Insights from Clinical Clerkships

A group of medical school students on their clinical clerkship.


Selecting a desired medical specialty marks a pivotal moment in a medical student's career. However, the process is intricate and evolves with factors throughout your academic journey. One of, if not the most important, contributors to this decision-making process is the exposure gained during clinical clerkships in medical school. In...

The Impact of Shelf Exam Performance on Residency Applications

A group of medical school students taking their shelf exam.


In the journey to residency, medical students' shelf exam performance holds significant weight in applications. Shelf exams, designed to assess students' knowledge and clinical reasoning in specific core clerkships, can play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of a medical student's academic capabilities. In this article, we explore the...

Everything You Need to Know About Audition Rotations

12 min


A group of med school students on their audition rotation in the hospital.


So, you’ve finally chosen to pursue your dream specialty - congratulations! Maybe you're considering various specialties or curious about the fourth year of medical school in a competitive surgical field. Regardless, you've probably heard the phrase "audition rotations" before. This term is often used to describe one of the most...

How to Make Your Residency Rank List

11 min


Medical student working on their residency rank list.


You’ve spent countless hours pouring over every word in your ERAS application and personal statement, you’ve traveled far and wide to be wined and dined and interviewed, and you feel that you’ve taken one too many hospital tours in the past few months. Well, congratulations, now, the fun begins… let’s talk rank list.

How to Match into OB/GYN Residency

12 min


An OB/Gyn resident holding a floating representation of a uterus.


The NRMP Program directors survey “at a glance” tool is extremely helpful in gauging where your application packet stands compared to the applicant pool. Here are the major components to consider when applying into OB/GYN

How to Prepare for Residency Match Day

An excited residency applicant learning that she matched for residency.


The day you have been waiting for has finally arrived! You have spent years training to become a doctor. And in just a few days or weeks, you will learn on Match Day where you will spend the next few years of your life as a practicing physician in residency....

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