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How Long Should You Study for Step 2?

20 min


Medical student studying intently at a desk in a well-lit library, surrounded by notebooks and study materials, preparing for the Step 2 CK exam.


Preparing for Step 2 raises many questions, but one of the most pressing ones is: how long should I study for Step 2? The answer, unfortunately, is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on various factors, including your baseline knowledge, the time you've spent preparing throughout medical school, and your personal study...

The Importance of USMLE Step 2 Tutoring: How It Can Boost Your Score

16 min


A tutor and a medical student studying together on a laptop in a library, illustrating the personalized guidance and support that tutoring can provide for USMLE Step 2 CK preparation.


How Important is Step 2 CK Now and Why Should I Consider a Tutor?   The USMLE Step 2 CK exam is a critical milestone in a medical student's journey, with a high score crucial for securing a competitive residency position. Recent changes to the USMLE exams have elevated the...

Study Strategies for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) for Step 2 CK

7 min


A group of diverse international medical graduates (IMGs) studying together at a table, using laptops and tablets, symbolizing collaboration and preparation for the USMLE Step 2 CK exam.


International medical gradutes (IMGs) represented ⅓ of the applicants to residency programs participating in the 2022 main residency match (30.4%). IMGs include both US-citizens who graduate from foreign medical schools and non-US citizens who graduate from foreign medical schools. However, despite their significant presence in the applicant pool, IMGs often...

Comparing Step 1 and Step 2 CK: What Changes to Expect

13 min


A young woman with curly hair and glasses studies for USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 in a library, intently reading a textbook.


What is the Difference Between USMLE Step 1 and Step 2?   USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 are compulsory licensure exams for medical students before residency in the US. Scores on these exams are also used by residency programs to evaluate each individual student’s didactic knowledge and capabilities. However,...

Strategies for USMLE Step 2 CK

11 min


Medical student studying for USMLE Step 2 CK in a library.


The United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 2 CK has become an increasingly more important part of the residency application now that USMLE Step 1 has become pass/fail. Thankfully, this exam tests your knowledge of clinical content learned during clerkship rotations instead of that one enzyme in the Krebs...

Mastering SOAP Note Style Questions on USMLE Step 2 CK

20 min


A doctor in a clinical setting discussing a patient's medical history with the patient for the purpose of writing a SOAP note.


The USMLE Step 2 CK now includes SOAP note style vignette questions, a format that tests your ability to manage clinical scenarios efficiently. These questions require a structured approach to patient care, making it essential to master the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) framework.   The SOAP notes presented on...

How to Simultaneously Study for Step 2 CK and Your Shelf Exams

11 min


Student with a number of open books studying for USMLE Step 2 CK and Shelf Exams


Applying for residency is a stressful process with much that feels out of the applicant’s control. In truth however, there are some very important actions that can be taken to maximize your chances for success as an IMG!

How to Maintain Work-Life Balance During USMLE Step 2 Prep

8 min


Person balancing wooden blocks with the words 'WORK' and 'LIFE' on a seesaw, symbolizing work-life balance during USMLE prep.


How to Maintain Work-Life Balance During USMLE Step 2 Prep   Medical school is notoriously time-consuming and dedicated study periods for USMLE board exams (Step 1, Step 2) can be even more demanding. While your preparation for USMLE Step 2 CK can be stretched out over a long period during...

What You Need to Match Into Urology for Residency – Step 2 Scores and Other Helpful Tips!

14 min


Medical tools and supplies arranged on a table with a paper labeled 'Urology,' including a stethoscope, syringes, a pill organizer, and a urine sample container.


What Step 2 score do I need to get into a urology residency?   With the new scoring system of Pass/Fail for Step 1, much of the focus has shifted to a Step 2 score. In competitive residencies like urology, a higher Step 2 score can help open the door...

Exploring Lesser-Known Resources for Step 2 CK

17 min


A student sitting in front of a laptop with earbuds in, listening to a Step 2 podcast while taking notes.


Intro to the USMLE Step 2 CK   You've conquered USMLE Step 1 and are now navigating the challenges of medical school clerkships and shelf exams. Next on the horizon is the USMLE Step 2, a critical exam for medical professionals seeking licensure in the US. As you balance excelling...

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