About the Author

Jaye Alexander Weston, MD

In 2012, Jaye Alexander Weston completed his BS in Microbiology at the University of Houston- Downtown. Shortly after graduation, Alex began medical school at the University of Texas, where he served as the AOA President at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Finishing his MD in 2016, Alex began a Cardiothoracic Surgery internship at the University of Southern California. Currently, Alex is an Integrated Cardiothoracic Surgery resident at the University of Southern California.

Matching into Thoracic Surgery Residency

Doctot with thumbs up after matching into residency for Thoracic surgery


The NRMP Program directors survey “at a glance” tool is extremely helpful in gauging where your application packet stands compared to the applicant pool. Here are the major components to consider when applying into Thoracic Surgery.

How to Match into a Vascular Surgery Residency Program in 2021

Vascular surgery residents assisting in surgery.


The NRMP Program directors survey “at a glance” tool is extremely helpful in gauging where your application packet stands compared to the applicant pool. Here are the major components to consider when applying into Vascular Surgery.

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