About the Author

Ria Patel

Ria attended the University of Maryland, College Park where she graduated in 2020 with a degree in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics and a minor in Human Development. She is currently an Internal Medicine Resident at Temple University Hospital. She attended medical school at Ross University School of Medicine (RUSM), where she received a Certificate of Academic Excellence, recognition in the Clinical Sciences Deans List, and the Empower Scholarship Award. She has co-founded a philanthropic organization called Happy Healing Inc., engaged in several research and Quality Improvement projects, and served as the Chairperson for RUSM’s Curriculum Committee.

Creating a Study Plan for Clinical Rotations: A Guide from a Core Clerkship Lead

12 min


Medical student wearing headphones, studying with a notebook and laptop, creating a study plan for clinical rotations.


Clinical rotations are a very important part of your medical school experience; the hands-on learning that you are exposed to is pivotal to creating a well-rounded approach to your clinical practice. However, rotations bring a unique challenge: balancing shelf exam preparation with the long hours required at the hospital or...

The Reality of Caribbean Med School Attrition: Why It Happens and How to Succeed

13 min


Student looking stressed while studying on a laptop, reflecting challenges faced by Caribbean medical school students.


Attending a Caribbean medical school is both rewarding and challenging. Oftentimes, the dream of becoming a physician drives many students to turn to these institutions as an alternative pathway to achieving their goals. However, it is important for students to consider all aspects of their choice to attend a Caribbean...

USMLE Step 2 CK: 8 Tips to Ace the Test

13 min


A focused study desk setup with medical textbooks, flashcards, and a cup of coffee, ready for dedicated USMLE Step 2 CK preparation.


What are Our Top Tips to Get a Good Score on Step 2 CK?   USMLE Step 2 CK is a difficult exam but manageable if you have the right resources and Step 2 study plan to utilize during your dedicated period. Getting a “good score” on Step 2 CK...

How Long Should You Study for Step 2?

20 min


Medical student studying intently at a desk in a well-lit library, surrounded by notebooks and study materials, preparing for the Step 2 CK exam.


Preparing for Step 2 raises many questions, but one of the most pressing ones is: how long should I study for Step 2? The answer, unfortunately, is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on various factors, including your baseline knowledge, the time you've spent preparing throughout medical school, and your personal study...

The Importance of USMLE Step 2 Tutoring: How It Can Boost Your Score

16 min


A tutor and a medical student studying together on a laptop in a library, illustrating the personalized guidance and support that tutoring can provide for USMLE Step 2 CK preparation.


How Important is Step 2 CK Now and Why Should I Consider a Tutor?   The USMLE Step 2 CK exam is a critical milestone in a medical student's journey, with a high score crucial for securing a competitive residency position. Recent changes to the USMLE exams have elevated the...

Comparing Step 1 and Step 2 CK: What Changes to Expect

13 min


A young woman with curly hair and glasses studies for USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 in a library, intently reading a textbook.


What is the Difference Between USMLE Step 1 and Step 2?   USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 are compulsory licensure exams for medical students before residency in the US. Scores on these exams are also used by residency programs to evaluate each individual student’s didactic knowledge and capabilities. However,...

The Impact of Step 2 CK Scores on Residency Interviews

9 min


A residency program applicant being reviewed by residency program leadership.


Applying to residency and contemplating the likelihood of securing interviews can be stressful. You've dedicated your entire medical school career to studying, conducting research, taking exams, and presenting your best self on applications. With the transition of USMLE Step 1 to a pass/fail grading system, medical students now face heightened...

The Ultimate CBSE Study Schedule and Guide

25 min


5-week Study Planner preview image for CBSE by Elite Medical Prep.


Are you gearing up to conquer the NBME CBSE exam? As you navigate the challenges of medical school, passing the CBSE is a crucial milestone required by many medical schools before being allowed to take USMLE Step 1. To aid you in this endeavor, we’ve compiled invaluable insights from a...

Navigating the MyIntealth Portal: Essential Guide for IMGs in the 2024 Match

10 min


A group of IMGs who matched in the 2024 cycle.


The new transition from previous online support services to the new MyIntealth portal has been a source of great stress to IMGs applying for the 2024 Match. Understandably, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the launch, but there are several new benefits to transitioning fully to MyIntealth. Some of...

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