About the Author

Stephanie Colello, MD

Graduating with honors from Princeton University in 2013, Stephanie Colello received her BA in Slavic Languages and Literatures as well as a certificate in Global Health and Health Policy. Beginning medical school at Vagelos Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons shortly after, Stephanie was the winner of the Albert Knapp Award as evaluated by the medical faculty to have achieved the highest scholarship in the first three years of medical school. In 2017, Stephanie was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha honor society, and that same year was also selected for membership into Gold Humanism Honor Society. During her time in medical school, Stephanie not only was involved in multiple research projects in the areas of ENT, Cardiology, Orthopedics, and Process Improvement, but she also achieved honors in all her clinical rotations. In 2018 Stephanie received her MD, and she is currently an Internal Medicine-Pediatrics resident at the University of Pennsylvania. Stephanie is also a published academic author, and her work can be found here.

Acceptance Factors for Matching into Internal Medicine Residency

13 min


An internal medicine resident and her patient.


The NRMP Program directors survey “at a glance” tool is extremely helpful in gauging where your application packet stands compared to the applicant pool. Here are the major components to consider when applying into Internal Medicine.

What You Need to Match Into MED/PEDS for Residency

11 min


A Med/Peds resident listening to the heart of a baby using a stethoscope.


The NRMP Program directors survey “at a glance” tool is extremely helpful in gauging where your application packet stands compared to the applicant pool. Here are the major components to consider when applying into MED/PEDS.

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