Hindsight Advice for Building a Strong Med School Application

14 min


A premed student working on his med school application, sitting in front of a laptop.


Ready for the understatement of the year? Medical school is tough to get into. The Med School application process is no joke.   Look, the unfortunate truth is that getting good grades and smoking the MCAT won’t automatically get you one of those coveted medical school acceptances. It’ll help, but...

How Can I Differentiate Myself With Other Medical School Applicants

10 min


A premed student at his medical school interview.


If you’re currently applying to medical school to become a student, you probably know that you need a competitive GPA, MCAT score, and good extracurriculars to get in. But a few thousand people applying probably know this too…   So how do you stand out as a medical school applicant?...

How Common is Remediation in Medical School, & How Can Tutoring Help

21 min


A medical school student meeting with his learning advisor to talk about remediation.


Remediation can be an anxiety-inducing term. The thought of failing a portion of your medical education and needing to formally address it may evoke a sense of dread. However, remediation is quite a useful concept. Rather than viewing it as a form of punishment, it is best to think of...

How To Determine Which Area of Medicine Is Right for Me

17 min


Medical school students speaking with a medical professional to better understand if their specialty is right for them.


Choosing an area of medicine or a specialty is one of the most important decisions you will make throughout your entire medical career. And so you may find yourself asking "Which area of medicine is right for me?"   Unlike most other professions, you cannot switch to a different area...

Becoming a Holistic Applicant: How Collecting “Unfair Advantages” Can Make You a Better Medical School Applicant

11 min


A doctor doing yoga on the beach, practicing to make herself a more holistic applicant to residency programs.


You may have heard the term “holistic” being thrown around in the context of medical school admissions, usually in the context of becoming a better, more attractive medical school applicant. I recently participated in a pre-med interest group Q&A where one student remarked: “We keep hearing that we should be...

Add Value as a Medical Student During Clinical Rotations

22 min


A group of medical school students on clinical rotations standing in a hospital wearing scrubs.


I must confess that I did not enjoy my clinical rotations. Well… at least not in the very beginning. This was largely due to my feeling that I was not adding value to my clinical rotation team as a medical student. You see, I had grown accustomed to the objective...

Make Your Medical School Group Study Suck Less

21 min


A group of medical school students wearing scrubs, sitting at a large desk with laptops and study books in group study.


I can’t tell you the number of times during medical school I had to feign diarrhea to get out of a terrible group study session. You have to be intentional in your approach to group study or else you run the risk of wasting a lot of valuable time. The...

Which Medical Research Opportunities Should I Partake In

13 min


A premed student working in a lab to fill her research requirements.


As a premedical student, countless commitments such as coursework, volunteering, shadowing, teaching, and, leadership activities might take up your time. In such a demanding context, adding research on to your busy schedule can seem like a daunting task. However, there are ways in which you can maximize the value you...

Should You Use AI to Write Your Medical School Admissions or Residency Application Personal Statement? Probably Not.

7 min


A robot holding a stethoscope.


The recent release of the AI writing program chatGPT has brought AI-based writing to a much more advanced level. The implications of this technology on essay writing for medical school applications and residency applications are uncertain but likely profound. Two of the senior members of Elite Medical Prep have written...

Why Using AI to Write Your Medical School Admissions or Residency Application Personal Statement May Not Be Such a Bad Idea

Frustrated man writing a personal statement next to a calm AI bot.


The recent release of the AI writing program chatGPT has brought AI-based writing to a much more advanced level. The implications of this technology on essay writing for medical school applications and residency applications are uncertain but likely profound. Two of the senior members of Elite Medical Prep have written...

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