Which Medical Research Opportunities Should I Partake In

13 min


A premed student working in a lab to fill her research requirements.


As a premedical student, countless commitments such as coursework, volunteering, shadowing, teaching, and, leadership activities might take up your time. In such a demanding context, adding research on to your busy schedule can seem like a daunting task. However, there are ways in which you can maximize the value you...

Should You Use AI to Write Your Medical School Admissions or Residency Application Personal Statement? Probably Not.

7 min


A robot holding a stethoscope.


The recent release of the AI writing program chatGPT has brought AI-based writing to a much more advanced level. The implications of this technology on essay writing for medical school applications and residency applications are uncertain but likely profound. Two of the senior members of Elite Medical Prep have written...

Why Using AI to Write Your Medical School Admissions or Residency Application Personal Statement May Not Be Such a Bad Idea

Frustrated man writing a personal statement next to a calm AI bot.


The recent release of the AI writing program chatGPT has brought AI-based writing to a much more advanced level. The implications of this technology on essay writing for medical school applications and residency applications are uncertain but likely profound. Two of the senior members of Elite Medical Prep have written...

What to Focus on In Your Pre-Med Research Position

15 min


A medical student in a lab testing and focusing on pre-med research position.


Taking a research position to gain research experience is becoming an increasingly important piece of the application package for pre-med students. Along with volunteer experience and shadowing or clinical exposure, it is now one of those factors that are technically optional (i.e., not a hard requirement) but widely recommended and...

Writing A Medical School Personal Statement

20 min


A student sitting and writing a medical school personal statement on her lap.


5300 characters. You have 5300 characters, including punctuation and white spaces, to show a medical school that you are more than the sum of your GPA and MCAT score in your personal statement.   This means that your personal statement for Medical School word count will only be around 300-500...

Writing Your Medical School Letter of Intent: a Guide

12 min


A photo of a notebook and pen for writing your medical school letter of intent.


It’s Spring! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you’re finishing up your medical school interviews. You’re in the home stretch! At the end lies your dream medical school. You (hopefully) have many schools to choose from. However, these schools have many applicants to choose from. How do...

Observations and Trends After the Switch to USMLE Step 1 Pass/Fail: What Learning Specialists Are Saying

17 min



2024 Update: This blog was originally posted on April 19, 2022. In 2024, an additional subheading was added to reevaluate the advice given within the context of the 2024 USMLE Step 1 landscape.   One of the hottest topics among medical education learning specialists (MELS) is the behavior, motivation, and...

Applying to Medical School Timeline

17 min


A medical school application form.


Applying to medical school is a lengthy process. From the moment you get serious about applying in the current cycle to deciding which school to attend, you will spend more than a year writing, interviewing, and waiting. One of the most important steps you can take to ensure success in...

How to Get Into Medical School: What Do Medical Schools Want to See?

15 min


A medical school student answering a question in a classroom.


Knowing what is needed to present yourself as a successful applicant to medical school can be difficult. A lot of different sources and medical schools expect you to have certain achievements and to have participated in a variety of experiences.

Writing a Hook for Your Personal Statement for Medical School

15 min


A pre-med student sitting in a computer lab working on her medical school personal statement on her laptop.


It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.  —George Orwell, 1984 (1949)   You better not never tell nobody but God.  —Alice Walker, The Color Purple (1982) It was a pleasure to burn.  —Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 (1953)     Some of the best...

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