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Will Surgery and Medicine Shelf Exam Scores Replace Step 1 Now That It’s Pass/Fail?

9 min


A group of surgery and medicine clinical rotations students.


As of January 1, 2022, USMLE Step 1 officially became pass/fail. Historically, the Step 1 score served as a metric for competency of basic medical foundational knowledge and most importantly, was used by residency programs to determine an applicant’s competitiveness. One of the reasons for the change to pass/fail was...

Using the UWSA Practice Tests After New NBME Releases

8 min


A medical school students filling in a multiple choice exam bubble sheet while taking a UWSA practice test.


This blog was originally posted on February 25, 2019, and edited on August 8th 2023. For more recent relevant blogs you may be interested in:   Best Ways to Use NBME Practice Exams to Prepare for the Real Thing NBME 25- NBME 30: Which is the Best Predictor for Passing...

UWorld in 30 Days: Making the Most out of UWorld’s Most Basic Subscription

Medical school student studying for the USMLE in a library in front of a laptop, making the most of her UWorld subscription.


Is it worth it to get UWorld’s most basic 30 day subscription? While we certainly don’t advise waiting until a month before your test date to start going through UWorld, it is actually possible to get through one full pass in only 30 days.

A Complete Guide to Getting Through the UWorld QBank Twice

14 min


Top view of someone using laptop for UWorld QBank


In this post, we’re going to lay out a template for how you can plan ahead, complete two full passes through the UWorld QBank, and earn yourself the score you want on Step 1!


21 min


A student taking a standardized exam such as USMLE and MCAT.


There are a lot of exams that stand between med students and the title “Doctor.” These tests may seem daunting, but with the right preparation and MCAT study schedule, you can conquer these obstacles to get the USMLE or MCAT score you want. The key to preparing for exams like...

When to Start UWorld for USMLE Step 1

Birds eye view of someone using laptop for USMLE Step 1


UWorld is unquestionably the best resource for the USMLE. Students have been known to score 270+ just by using UWorld and First Aid. There are also students, however, who have gone through the question bank 3 or more times, and can’t seem

Reliability of the New NBME Forms in Predicting USMLE Step 1 Score

5 min


A medical student taking an NBME practice exam.


On March 2nd, 2021, NBME is releasing its newest forms– 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30.

Most Common Reasons for Failing USMLE Step 1

Young lady covering face with hands after failing USMLE Step 1


Failed USMLE Step 1?   Failing USMLE Step 1 is not uncommon. 2022 NBME performance data show that the passing rate for 1st time test takers with a US or Canadian MD degree was 93%; with a US or Canadian DO degree was 89%; and for non-US or Canadian degrees...

Best Ways to Use NBME Practice Exams to Prepare for the Real Thing

10 min


A med school student taking an NBME practice exam in preparation for Step 1 in a library.


The NBME, or National Board of Medical Examiners, writes practice exams for Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3. The NBME exams contain questions similar to those found on your step exams and are one of the best ways to practice your test-taking skills for Step 1, 2, or 3. But what is the best way to use the NBME practice exams?

When to Take the NBME Practice Exams

7 min


A medical school student taking an NBME practice exam in a library on her laptop.


Deciding when to take practice exams is a dilemma that many students face when preparing for USMLE Step 1. Practice NBME exams are undoubtedly one of the most useful and important resources you will use in your Step 1 preparation. They can help you assess your own readiness to pass...

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