USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK Score Percentiles
How to calculate your USMLE Step 1 or USMLE Step 2CK score percentile is a common question many medical students ask. Here are the 2020 USMLE Step 1 and Step 2CK percentile charts to see how you compare to other students.
How USMLE Step 1 Going Pass/Fail Will Affect DO Students
Students who completed medical school at Osteopathic medical schools typically have a harder time obtaining a residency match compared to medical graduates allopathic medical schools in the US. Osteopathic (or DO) students have the additional…
Flash Facts: USMLE Flashcard Resource Reviews
The Best and Worst Flashcard Resources for USMLE Studies: USMLE Rx Flash Facts There are quite a few USMLE Step 1 study resources out there and sometimes choosing the right resources can be tricky. We’ve sent some of our most experienced tutors to test out different flashcard sites and...
How to Optimize Your Step 1 Dedicated Study & Manage Test Anxiety – Joint UWorld and Elite Medical Prep Webinar
Another joint UWorld and Elite Medical Prep webinar is now live on our Elite Medical Prep youtube channel! Learn from the experts about managing your test anxiety and optimizing your dedicated USMLE Step 1 study time!
Everything You Need to Know About the USMLE Step 1 Pass Rate
Passing the USMLE Step 1 is a very important step in the career of any future doctor. It can be very stress-inducing and requires determination, time, and lots of hard work! In this blog post we will break down this exam and the pass rate for the USMLE Step 1....
Which USMLE Step Exam is the Hardest?
The USMLE Step exams are one of the most important and anxiety-inducing aspects of medical training. Step 1 is an exam that most medical students take in their second or third year of school, which tests basic science knowledge relevant to the practice of medicine. Students generally take Step 2...
ChatGPT Passes the USMLE
ChatGPT, along with other AI programs, has recently gained a lot of attention for its potential to disrupt sectors by generating human-like responses to given prompts. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is powered by a large language model called GPT3.5. Large language models are different from deep learning models by their...
When Should I Begin Preparing For The USMLE in Europe
The USMLE Step 1 exam is a crucial component of the medical licensing process in the United States, regardless if you are studying in the United States, Europe, or anywhere else in the world. For medical students in Europe, preparing for this exam can be a challenging and stressful experience....
Could ChatGPT Replace QBanks for USMLE Practice Questions?
If you are a medical student preparing for USMLE Step 1, 2 CK or 3, you may be wondering if there are alternative resources for USMLE-style practice questions beyond traditional question banks. One potential option that has gained attention recently is ChatGPT, a variant of the language generation model GPT-3....
MELS 2022 Anxiety Tips
Click here to download the MELS 2022 poster, "Top Tips for Battling Test Anxiety: Recommendations from Experienced USMLE (Step 1, Step 2 CK, Step 3) & COMLEX Tutors (.pdf, 0.921 mb)