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Saving Money on Residency Applications

6 min


someone putting coins into a piggy bank and saving money on residency applications


The cost of interviewing for residency can be a very expensive process for many applicants. As interviewing for residency usually involves travel, the median cost of interviewing in recent years has been roughly $3,900! Here’s how to cut that number down.

Preparing for Your Residency Interview

6 min


Medical Student preparing for Residency Interview


Performing well during the residency interview is critical in maximizing your chances at being ranked well in a particular program. In order to present the best version of yourself, you must prepare!

Journey to Orthopedics Residency- Interviews

27 min


An orthopedic resident shaking hands with their attending.


In the upcoming months, we will be interviewing some of our tutors about their experiences with residency. We’ll be asking the questions many of our students are interested to know about some of the most popular and sought after residency programs and areas of study. This week, hear from Dr. Wichern and Dr. Marshall on their experiences applying into Orthopedics!

Why QBanks are a CRUCIAL Part of Your USMLE Review

A medical student doing practice questions for the USMLE in front of a laptop.


So you’ve downloaded all the study schedules you can get your hands on, can practically recite pages from First Aid in your sleep, maybe bought a couple subscriptions for video lecture series, but still you’re wondering: Am I doing this right? Here’s an easy guide.

Failing USMLE Step 1: What to Do

14 min


A medical school student laying her head down on a pile of USMLE Step 1 study books, holding up a "help" sign.


While 96% of USMLE test takers typically pass, if you’re someone who falls within that 4% and didn’t pass on your first try, you should know that each year over 20,000 people take USMLE Step 1. That means even within that 4%, there are at least 800 other students in your exact same situation. So, what do you do? We’ll tell you.

How to Write the MSPE

13 min


An M3 student meeting with their medical school's dean.


Towards the end of M3 year, medical students meet with one of their medical school’s Deans and write the Medical Student Performance Evaluation letter (MSPE), or the “Dean’s letter”, which is sent to all residency programs. Here’s what to (and not to) include.

Applying Into Pathology Residency

A microscope in a pathology residency lab.


What I can say about my residency application process is that I gained important perspectives on how residency program directors think, how to optimize your application, and even how to negotiate the process (you can negotiate more than you think!)

Applying to ENT Residency

An ENT resident using an otoscope to examine his patient.


Do you love the ears, nose and throat? Me too! The residency application process in ENT can be daunting and stressful – the best way to navigate the system is by talking to friends and colleagues who have been through it before!

How Many Residency Programs & Where to Apply

6 min


A prospective medical resident sitting in front of a laptop, planning her ERAS application and program selection.


The most important step in deciding where to apply for residency is an honest evaluation of what specialty you are applying to. While it can be hard sometimes to “get real” with yourself about your USMLE scores, distinguishing features, etc. this step is critical because it can determine whether you match or not.

Using Flashcards to Study for the USMLE

9 min


A deck of flashcards on medical topics for USMLE prep.


Flashcards are best used as a supplementary study aid, where they support knowledge retention from other core resources. For students preparing for USMLE Step 1, these core resources can vary, but often UWorld, First Aid and Pathoma are among the most widely used.

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