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How to Use OnlineMedEd to Study for Shelf Exams and Step 2

13 min


A medical school student studying for his shelf exams using OnlineMedEd, sitting at a desk in front of a laptop.


In my first clerkship, I quickly learned that the information medical students were expected to know was suddenly very different from the knowledge that got me through my pre-clerkship curriculum. Instead of the emphasis on basic science and foundations, the clerkship year and shelf exams required much more focus on...

The Absolute Best Predictor of Step 2 CK Scores


This is an article about Step 2 that is useful long before dedicated test prep! Whether you are in the midst of your dedicated study time or more than a year out, read on to find out what the best score predictor is for USMLE Step 2 CK!   Some...

Choosing Your Specialty: Gaining Insights from Clinical Clerkships

A group of medical school students on their clinical clerkship.


Selecting a desired medical specialty marks a pivotal moment in a medical student's career. However, the process is intricate and evolves with factors throughout your academic journey. One of, if not the most important, contributors to this decision-making process is the exposure gained during clinical clerkships in medical school. In...

Navigating the MyIntealth Portal: Essential Guide for IMGs in the 2024 Match

10 min


A group of IMGs who matched in the 2024 cycle.


The new transition from previous online support services to the new MyIntealth portal has been a source of great stress to IMGs applying for the 2024 Match. Understandably, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the launch, but there are several new benefits to transitioning fully to MyIntealth. Some of...

The Impact of Shelf Exam Performance on Residency Applications

A group of medical school students taking their shelf exam.


In the journey to residency, medical students' shelf exam performance holds significant weight in applications. Shelf exams, designed to assess students' knowledge and clinical reasoning in specific core clerkships, can play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of a medical student's academic capabilities. In this article, we explore the...

8 Time Saving Tricks to Study for the Shelf Exam During Your Pediatric Rotation

11 min


A medical school student on their pediatric clinical rotation treating a patient.


As you dive into the world of pediatric medicine, you'll encounter a whirlwind of learning opportunities, patient interactions, and, of course, the looming shelf exam at the end of your rotation. With so much to absorb in a limited time frame, efficiency is key, especially on a rotation that is...

Everything You Need to Know About Audition Rotations

12 min


A group of med school students on their audition rotation in the hospital.


So, you’ve finally chosen to pursue your dream specialty - congratulations! Maybe you're considering various specialties or curious about the fourth year of medical school in a competitive surgical field. Regardless, you've probably heard the phrase "audition rotations" before. This term is often used to describe one of the most...

Your Guide To Mastering the Art of Patient Presentations During Clinical Clerkships

A medical student presenting a patient on her clinical clerkship.


Clinical clerkships represent your transition from the classroom to the front lines of patient care. Central to this experience is the art and science of patient presentations—a skill that not only communicates the patient's condition but also reflects your depth of knowledge, critical thinking, and ability to collaborate with the...

EMPs Free COMLEX Level 1 10-Week Study Calendar

4 min


6-week Study Planner preview image for COMLEX Level 1 by Elite Medical Prep.


Short on time? Consider our 6-week COMLEX Level 1 calendar for an intensive alternative.   You're 10 weeks away from conquering COMLEX Level 1, and it's time to embark on a comprehensive study journey designed to aid in your success. Our 10-week COMLEX Level 1 study calendar is a strategic...

Balancing Act: Managing Research Responsibilities During Clinical Rotations

Medical School students participating in a research opportunity during their clinical rotations.


Your journey through medical school is marked by crucial milestones, and arguably the most pivotal phase is your time spent in the hospital and clinic. These hands-on experiences in different healthcare settings provide a bridge between classroom knowledge and practical application. However, integrating research into clinical rotations enhances the educational...

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