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Study Strategies for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) for Step 2 CK

7 min


A group of diverse international medical graduates (IMGs) studying together at a table, using laptops and tablets, symbolizing collaboration and preparation for the USMLE Step 2 CK exam.


International medical gradutes (IMGs) represented ⅓ of the applicants to residency programs participating in the 2022 main residency match (30.4%). IMGs include both US-citizens who graduate from foreign medical schools and non-US citizens who graduate from foreign medical schools. However, despite their significant presence in the applicant pool, IMGs often...

The Ultimate CBSE Study Schedule and Guide

25 min


5-week Study Planner preview image for CBSE by Elite Medical Prep.


Are you gearing up to conquer the NBME CBSE exam? As you navigate the challenges of medical school, passing the CBSE is a crucial milestone required by many medical schools before being allowed to take USMLE Step 1. To aid you in this endeavor, we’ve compiled invaluable insights from a...

Navigating the MyIntealth Portal: Essential Guide for IMGs in the 2024 Match

10 min


A group of IMGs who matched in the 2024 cycle.


The new transition from previous online support services to the new MyIntealth portal has been a source of great stress to IMGs applying for the 2024 Match. Understandably, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the launch, but there are several new benefits to transitioning fully to MyIntealth. Some of...

5 Things US IMGs Should Know When Applying to Residency

9 min


A group of US IMGs after applying to residency


Applying for residency is a stressful process with much that feels out of the applicant’s control. In truth however, there are some very important actions that can be taken to maximize your chances for success as an IMG!

Applying to US Residency as an IMG

6 min


Elite Medical Prep's residency roundtable event "Applying to US Residency as an IMG" opening slide introducing the speakers.


Announcement: Join us for Elite Medical Prep's Residency Roundtable Session on "Applying to US Residency as an IMG"   Greetings, aspiring medical professionals! We are thrilled to announce an informative recorded session hosted by Elite Medical Prep, dedicated to helping International Medical Graduates (IMGs) navigate the intricacies of applying for...

Residency Application Timeline for IMGs

A cartoon of an IMG standing in front of a calendar.


The match process is one of the most exciting and scary couple of months during medical school. You put in all the hard work, now it is time to try and match in the specialty and the program of your dreams. Residency applications can be stressful, especially remembering the timeline...

When Should I Begin Preparing For The USMLE in Europe

16 min


An IMG wearing scrubs standing in front of the European Union flag.


The USMLE Step 1 exam is a crucial component of the medical licensing process in the United States, regardless if you are studying in the United States, Europe, or anywhere else in the world. For medical students in Europe, preparing for this exam can be a challenging and stressful experience....

Things IMGs Can Do to Improve Their Chance of US Residency Matching

7 min


An IMG resident holding a globe.


Applying for residency is a stressful process with much that feels out of the applicant’s control. In truth however, there are some very important actions that can be taken to maximize your chances for success as an IMG!

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