About the Author

Alexandria Foster, DO

What to Bring to COMLEX Level 1

Neatly organized desk with a water bottle, a smartphone, and a clear plastic bag of nuts, prepared for the COMLEX Level 1 exam.


Preparing for the morning of your first board exam is different for everyone. Some people wear their lucky socks, others come with nothing but their ID, and some will fill their bag with snacks. When it comes down to it, there are only a few “must haves” on test day,...

COMLEX Level 2 vs. USMLE Step 2: What Are The Differences?

19 min


A DO med school student studying for her COMLEX Level 2 and Step 2 simultaneously, sitting in front of a laptop.


Beginning your journey of medical licensing exams can be a tough experience. As a recent DO graduate, I know the challenge of combining studying for the USMLE and COMLEX. For many, the dichotomy between the USMLE Step 2 and COMLEX Level 2 poses a unique set of hurdles—one that goes...

What are COMLEX level 1 and level 2 exams?

Osteopathic medical school student sitting in a library with a laptop in his lap, studying for the COMLEX exams.


The Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) is a three-part assessment conducted by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME). To graduate from an osteopathic medical school, students are required to pass both the COMLEX Level 1 and Level 2 exams. Typically, Level 1 is taken after the second...

2023 Top Most IMG Friendly Residency Specialties

A globe, stethoscope and hear plushy.


Moving to a different country can be scary, and for an IMG applying for residency in the US may certainly be stress-inducing. With this blog post, we hope to help ease your stress and suggest some of the most IMG-friendly residency specialties you should consider applying to this year! For...

The Benefits of a High Step 3 or Level 3 Score


Step 3 and Level 3 Score and Importance   USMLE Step 3 and COMLEX Level 3 are the final tests required to obtain a medical license to practice without supervision in the United States. Both tests are two days and comprised of multiple-choice and case-based questions. Studying for Step 3...

How to Study for OMM (Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine) Questions

An osteopathic medical school student studying for OMM questions in front of a laptop.


Osteopathic practice, principles, and manipulative medicine is a large part of each COMLEX exam and one of the major differences between Step and COMLEX exams. A common struggle for students is figuring out how to effectively study the high-yield topics of OMM. For COMLEX Level 1-3, OMM or OMT questions...

Residency Application Timeline for IMGs

A cartoon of an IMG standing in front of a calendar.


The match process is one of the most exciting and scary couple of months during medical school. You put in all the hard work, now it is time to try and match in the specialty and the program of your dreams. Residency applications can be stressful, especially remembering the timeline...

Should You Take COMLEX or Step First?


Osteopathic students often decide to take both the M.D. USMLE Step board exams in addition to the D.O. COMLEX board exams. The recent change of both Step 1 and Level 1 to pass/fail may affect the decision to take both exams in the near future, however until it becomes more...

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