The Reality of Caribbean Med School Attrition: Why It Happens and How to Succeed

13 min


Student looking stressed while studying on a laptop, reflecting challenges faced by Caribbean medical school students.


Attending a Caribbean medical school is both rewarding and challenging. Oftentimes, the dream of becoming a physician drives many students to turn to these institutions as an alternative pathway to achieving their goals. However, it is important for students to consider all aspects of their choice to attend a Caribbean...

Bridging Medicine and Community Care

11 min


A smiling medical student in a white coat, holding a clipboard and engaging with a patient in a community clinic setting.


Many of us go into medicine because we want to “help people”. Explicitly saying this phrase is generally discouraged, but almost every version of a personal statement for a medical profession will contain some iteration of this sentiment. One of the best ways to accomplish this mission is to be...

Balancing Medical School and Life: Strategies for Maintaining a Social Life

13 min


Group of medical students studying together and socializing, illustrating the balance between academic life and maintaining friendships.


The transition from undergraduate to medical school can be a difficult one! You may be accustomed to having lots of time on your hands to study, exercise, hang out with friends, and work. As you get used to your medical student life, you may have less personal time on your...

The Benefits of Mentorship: Building a Support Network in Medical School

20 min


Medical professionals in discussion: a mentor in a white coat providing guidance to two medical students in scrubs.


Mentorship is a vital part of medical education, shaping the future of medicine. Aspiring physicians have the drive and intelligence to succeed, but they need guidance from experienced professionals to excel in education, clinical practice, and research. A strong mentor provides crucial support and inspiration to medical students, residents, and...

8 Tips on How to Use Anki USMLE Flashcards

17 min


Student on laptop using Anki USMLE Flashcards


When it comes to studying for the USMLE, it’s worth learning how to make proper flashcards up front. While there are many different USMLE..

Addressing Burnout During Step 2 CK Preparation

16 min


Stressed medical student studying for USMLE Step 2 CK, surrounded by textbooks, notes, and a laptop in a cluttered study space.


Why Are Medical Students at Risk of Burnout?   Research indicates that up to half of medical students encounter burnout, as medicine is an intrinsically demanding profession. If you find yourself among these students, know that there is hope. You are not alone, and strategies are available to alleviate the...

Developing Practical Clinical Competence During Clerkships

A group of medical students on clinical clerkships examining x-rays.


Clinical rotations, or clerkships, are crucial in medical education, bridging classroom knowledge to real-world patient care settings. During clerkships, medical students have the opportunity to develop and refine essential clinical skills under the guidance of experienced healthcare professionals. While much can be learned in the classroom, it's not until you...

Beyond the 3 p.m. Slump: Crafting a Personalized Study Routine in Medical School

A calendar with a stethoscope sitting on top of it signifying the study routine of a medical school student.


Entering medical school is an exciting milestone in every aspiring physician's journey. However, the transition from undergraduate studies to the rigorous demands of medical education can be daunting. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the essential aspects of creating an effective study routine for medical school, also...

Balancing Act: Managing Research Responsibilities During Clinical Rotations

Medical School students participating in a research opportunity during their clinical rotations.


Your journey through medical school is marked by crucial milestones, and arguably the most pivotal phase is your time spent in the hospital and clinic. These hands-on experiences in different healthcare settings provide a bridge between classroom knowledge and practical application. However, integrating research into clinical rotations enhances the educational...

How to Create a Med School List for AMCAS

12 min


A doctor wearing scrubs answering questions in a medical school classroom.


As you start thinking about getting into med school and perparing for the upcoming medical school application cycle, you should be thinking about which schools you will apply to. There are well over 100 accredited medical schools in the U.S. and Canada, but the average applicant applies to just 16...

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