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Scoring Over the 90th Percentile on Your Ob/Gyn Shelf Exam

Pregnant woman lying on an exam table while a healthcare provider uses a fetal doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Scoring over the 90th percentile on your OBG/YN shelf exam can be a great way to let your residency application shine. This is especially true if you are applying to OBG/YN residency or a related specialty like family medicine, surgery etc.  With that said, your OB/GYN clerkship is arguably one...

Why Getting a High Percentile Score on Your Shelf Exams is More Important Than Ever

6 min


Study essentials for shelf exams including an open notebook, headphones, pencils, and a cup of coffee on a desk.


Many medical students take NBME Clinical Science Subject Exams, or “shelf” exams after completing core clinical rotations in Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, OBGYN, Family Medicine, Neurology, and Pediatrics. While passing and honors scores for these exams differ between medical schools, it is important to do your best on...

How to Get a 90th Percentile Score in Your Psychiatry Shelf

6 min


A doctor in a white coat, holding a card with the word "psychiatry" written on it, symbolizing the focus of the blog on achieving a high score in the Psychiatry Shelf Exam.


Most medical students will take NBME Clinical Science Subject Exams, or “shelf” exams at the end of a clinical rotation. Depending on your medical school, there may be different score or percentile cutoffs for passing and honors grading. While the grading system at each medical school is unique, a 90th...

Overcoming Common Challenges in Pediatrics Clerkships

Female doctor using a stethoscope on a teddy bear to engage a young girl and her mother during a pediatric check-up in a medical office.


Pediatrics clerkships are crucial in medical education. They offer students hands-on experience caring for infants, children, and adolescents. As you will hear time and time again, children are not mini-adults! They have their own dedicated speciality for a reason. While pediatrics rotations are rewarding and offer unique learning opportunities, they...

How to Simultaneously Study for Step 2 CK and Your Shelf Exams

11 min


Student with a number of open books studying for USMLE Step 2 CK and Shelf Exams


Applying for residency is a stressful process with much that feels out of the applicant’s control. In truth however, there are some very important actions that can be taken to maximize your chances for success as an IMG!

Developing Practical Clinical Competence During Clerkships

A group of medical students on clinical clerkships examining x-rays.


Clinical rotations, or clerkships, are crucial in medical education, bridging classroom knowledge to real-world patient care settings. During clerkships, medical students have the opportunity to develop and refine essential clinical skills under the guidance of experienced healthcare professionals. While much can be learned in the classroom, it's not until you...

Mastering the Surgery Shelf Exam: Achieving a 90th Percentile Score in 2024

9 min


A group of medical school students studying for the surgery shelf exam in a library.


The Surgery Shelf exam is a critical milestone for medical students pursuing a career in surgery or related specialties. Scoring well on this exam not only demonstrates your knowledge and competency but also plays a significant role in residency applications. Attaining a 90th percentile score requires strategic preparation, dedication, and...

Are NBME Practice Exams a True Reflection of Shelf Exam Difficulty?

Medical school students taking a practice NBME to prepare for their shelf exams.


In medical education, shelf exams evaluate students' knowledge and clinical reasoning during core clinical clerkships. Administered by medical schools, often written by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), these pivotal exams determine students' readiness for clinical rotations and overall performance. Questions often arise about the correlation between NBME practice...

How to Use OnlineMedEd to Study for Shelf Exams and Step 2

13 min


A medical school student studying for his shelf exams using OnlineMedEd, sitting at a desk in front of a laptop.


In my first clerkship, I quickly learned that the information medical students were expected to know was suddenly very different from the knowledge that got me through my pre-clerkship curriculum. Instead of the emphasis on basic science and foundations, the clerkship year and shelf exams required much more focus on...

Choosing Your Specialty: Gaining Insights from Clinical Clerkships

A group of medical school students on their clinical clerkship.


Selecting a desired medical specialty marks a pivotal moment in a medical student's career. However, the process is intricate and evolves with factors throughout your academic journey. One of, if not the most important, contributors to this decision-making process is the exposure gained during clinical clerkships in medical school. In...

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