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Using Flashcards to Study for the USMLE

9 min


A deck of flashcards on medical topics for USMLE prep.


Flashcards are best used as a supplementary study aid, where they support knowledge retention from other core resources. For students preparing for USMLE Step 1, these core resources can vary, but often UWorld, First Aid and Pathoma are among the most widely used.

Using Brosencephalon Effectively for USMLE Studying

14 min


A medical student studying for the USMLE in a library using Brosencephalon.


If you haven’t already heard of the Brosencephalon (Bros) deck, it’s time to get acquainted! Bros is one of several popular pre-made flashcard decks

Benefits and Drawbacks of Zanki Deck for USMLE Step 1 Studies

14 min


An empty flashcard in front of a laptop and ready to be used for USMLE Step 1 studying.


Zanki (if you don't already know) is a very popular flashcard deck option for students studying for USMLE Step 1. If you're at the beginning of your dedicated study period and haven't selected a flashcard resource yet, we strongly advise you to check out our flashcard resource reviews to help you...

Online MedEd: USMLE Prep Platform Reviews

17 min


A laptop open on the onlineMedEd website.


USMLE Step 1 and 2 Prep Platform Reviews: Online MedEd Before we start our Online MedEd review for your USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK studies, we want to say a couple of things regarding the rank we have given them (3/5 stars). Online MedEd is one of the...

Kaplan: USMLE Prep Platform Reviews

12 min


A desk with 5 stars and a notebook for USMLE Prep Platform Review


USMLE Step 1 and 2 Prep Platform Reviews: Kaplan Before you start to prepare for your USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK exam, read this important Kaplan review. Perhaps one of the most widely known supplementary education companies in the world, Kaplan advertises themselves as, "your edge in a competitive world" and even...

Osmosis: USMLE Prep Platform Reviews

19 min


student studying on laptop using Osmosis USMLE Prep platform.


USMLE Step 1 and 2 Prep Platform Reviews: Osmosis Osmosis is an outstanding resource for your USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK studies. The online video learning platform that boasts providing, “Everything you need to succeed in the health sciences." As a comprehensive board review resource that includes videos, flashcards, a QBank,...

Lecturio: USMLE Prep Platform Reviews

17 min


A medical student studying for the USMLE using Lecturio.


You asked and we answered. Introducing our latest review series, USMLE Prep Platforms! With the rising popularity of USMLE video learning platforms particularly for Step 1, we’ve asked our Elite tutors to go through and review all the latest and greatest video prep platforms. In this series, we will be...

What if I fail? Bouncing back on the USMLE Step 1

Frustrated student studying for the USMLE Step 1.


What if I fail USMLE Step 1? It’s a question that most medical students contemplate at some point in the months (or years) before their USMLE Step 1 test day finally arrives.  If you find yourself trying to answer that question, this blog post by our top USMLE Step 1...

What Makes a Great USMLE Tutoring Service?

A medical student receiving USMLE tutoring online.


While USMLE tutoring absolutely can and should be used early on to achieve the best possible score on the USMLE exams, many students wait until they are at risk of failure or missing their score goal to actually seek out tutoring. Therefore, we have put together this guide for questions you should be asking while looking for a USMLE tutoring company in order to ensure they have your best interests in mind and not their own.

What is the USMLE Exam?

10 min


laptop with stethoscope what is the USMLE Exam


What is the USMLE Exam? All About the USMLE Exam If you’re anything like me when I was starting med school, you have heard the terms USMLE and boards but know very little about them; other than that they are something to be feared. Whether you are just starting your...

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