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Navigating the Transition from Step 1 to Step 2 CK

11 min


A medical student studying for his USMLE Step 2 CK exam at home in front of a laptop.


Navigating the USMLE Step 1 to Step 2 CK transition is a pivotal moment for many medical students, demanding a thorough grasp of the similarities and differences between these two exams. In this blog, we'll explore essential facets of each exam, from their structure and content to strategic insights for...

The Ultimate CBSE Study Schedule and Guide

18 min


5-week Study Planner preview image for CBSE by Elite Medical Prep.


Are you gearing up to conquer the NBME CBSE exam? As you navigate the challenges of medical school, passing the CBSE is a crucial milestone required by many medical schools before being allowed to take USMLE Step 1. To aid you in this endeavor, we've compiled invaluable insights from a...

Aim High or Just Pass USMLE Step 1

9 min


Medical school student studying for the USMLE Step 1 at home.


Every year, medical students between second and fourth year will sit for the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK. With upcoming changes to how USMLE Step 1 is scored, many students find themselves wondering “What score do I really need?”

Passing the NBME CBSE: Insights from an SGU Medical Student

17 min


An SGU med school student studying for the CBSE exam.


I’m an SGU student, where passing the CBSE is a prerequisite for taking Step 1. I'm writing this blog to share insights that could help my fellow SGU classmates and other medical students navigating similar requirements due to recent changes.   Today, I’m opening up about my NBME practice exam...

Tips for Effective Anki Use Studying for USMLE Step 1 and Step 2

14 min


A medical school student studying for his USMLE exams in a library using Anki.


What is Anki   If you are a new medical student, you have undoubtedly been bombarded with Anki since starting. Its application has spread like wildfire among medical students countrywide and with good reason. Anki is a spaced repetition flashcard program that works on both mobile devices and your computer....

USMLE Step 1 2024 Exam Dates and Costs

10 min


Medical school students taking the USMLE Step 1 in a computer room in a Prometric testing center.


The USMLE Step 1 exam is an important early step in the career of any aspiring US-licensed doctor. In this blog post we will review some frequently asked questions about the exam. This includes USMLE Step 1 2024 exam dates and costs, the scope and length of the exam and...

UWorld Mastery: A Roadmap for Step 1 Success

11 min


A medical school student studying for USMLE Step 1 on her laptop in a cafe.


The United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 1 Step 1 stands as a crucial milestone for medical students, typically undertaken between their second and third year of medical school. Despite its pass/fail nature, it remains a challenging exam, demanding thorough preparation. Most medical schools allocate 4-8 weeks of dedicated...

How to Prepare for Your USMLE Step 1 Test Day

14 min


Medical school students taking their USMLE Step 2 exam in a prometric testing center.


Thousands of UWorld questions, endless Anki cards, and countless sleepless nights later, you’re ready to take on the USMLE Step 1! But what should you actually do to prepare for test day? After weeks to months of studying for such an important and challenging test, you might run up again...

Understanding the New NBME Score Report

A medical school student looking through his NBME score report on a laptop to determine if he is ready for the USMLE exam.


Understanding the New NBME Score Reports for USMLE Step 1 and 2 Preparation   So you just finished an NBME practice exam and the score report pops up. Most students immediately focus on the big score reported at the top. However, there is a wealth of information you can glean...

Boost Your Score in 10 Weeks – Free USMLE Step 1 Plan


The Ultimate 10-Week USMLE Step 1 Study Schedule   So you're in med school and 10 weeks away from taking the USMLE Step 1? Don't panic, you still have some time! You now need a realistic Step 1 study schedule that you can adhere to and be well-prepared for test...

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