Home » Elite Medical Prep Conducts 3rd Joint Webinar with UWorld

Elite Medical Prep Conducts 3rd Joint Webinar with UWorld

2 min


Elite Medical Pre and UWorld joint webinar stream on a laptop.


On April 26th, Elite Medical Prep, represented by Dr. Marcel Brus-Ramer and Dr. Ken Rubin, had the pleasure of participating in a joint webinar with UWorld Medical titled: From Classroom to Clinic: Using the UWorld Step 1 QBank as a Long Term Resource.


The webinar came after 2 previous webinars where Elite Medical Prep was also invited to join UWorld as experts in medical school test preparation. Speaking with both MD and DO students virtually, Elite Medical Prep has previously joint-presented with UWorld on topics related to best practices in q-bank and tutoring usage during medical school.


Attendees indicated that the Q&A at the end of the presentation was a definite highlight and that having the opportunity to ask specific questions related to their own experiences with longitudinal q-bank usage was very valuable.


When asked about further participation in UWorld webinars, Dr. Marcel Brus-Ramer indicated, “We absolutely do have plans to continue presenting with UWorld in the future. We feel strongly as a company that our partnership in this capacity provides better information to medical students about test preparation which is our ultimate goal.”


While future webinar dates and signup information has not yet been released, Brus-Ramer advises anyone interested to keep an eye on both the Elite Medical Prep and UWorld social media channels for upcoming announcements.


Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: UWorld!EMP1

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Elite Medical Prep

The Elite Medical Prep team consists of MD and MD candidate tutors from the top medical schools and residency programs, our founders, Dr. Brus-Ramer and…

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