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UWorld vs. TrueLearn

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Medical school student studying for USMLE exams in front of a laptop using TrueLearn and UWorld.


UWorld vs. TrueLearn: Is TrueLearn a Good Alternative to UWorld?


Move over UWorld! There’s a new Qbank in town! For some time now, many of our students at Elite Medical Prep have been asking the increasingly popular question: “Should I be using UWorld or TrueLearn as my question bank while preparing for the USMLE?” (To those of you reading and now asking, “Wait what? There are OTHER good qbanks out there aside from UWorld?!” The answer is YES!) However, bear in mind that UWorld isn’t regarded as the king of USMLE qbanks for no reason. In this post, we will be pinning UWorld vs. TrueLearn!


Here’s our honest review of the TrueLearn question bank and how it stacks up next to UWorld’s.



UWorld vs. TrueLearn: Pricing and Question Volume


TrueLearn offers Step 1 subscriptions at $199 for 3 months and $399 for a year. For Step 2, it’s $249 for 3 months and $449 for a year. This is notably more affordable compared to UWorld’s $439 for 3 months and $559 for a year for both exams. TrueLearn offers 2,700+ Step 1 questions and 4,000+ for Step 2, coming close to UWorld’s Step 2 pool (4,300+). However, it falls slightly short of UWorld’s Step 1 offerings (3,800+).



The Content, Difficulty, and Length of the Questions


TrueLearn questions are similar in difficulty, length, and complexity when compared with UWorld. Subjectively, when taking a TrueLearn test, it does feel very much like taking a UWorld test. The same test-taking strategies were applicable and the material is what one would expect to be covered in UWorld questions. 


There is a mixture of single-step and multi-step questions in TrueLearn. There are one- and two-part questions as well. Some rely just on buzz-word recognition (e.g., cigar shaped on microscopy for Sporotrichosis), and some require more thought, which we believe is appropriate and reflective of the NBME.


Questions are better coded in TrueLearn. Each question is coded in several domains, including Specialty, System, Process [normal vs disease], Discipline [anatomy], Interdisciplinary areas, Competencies [medical knowledge, patient care]. This is probably why the search function is better. This can also help students draw big-picture connections between individual questions, if they understand broadly what is being asked (a pathology question about cardiology disease processes, for example).



Truelearn’s Test Creation Tools


TrueLearn has some unique and useful tools regarding test creation that UWorld does not. In TrueLearn, you can specify any combination of new, incorrect, and/or correct questions. In UWorld on the other hand, you must choose one of these options only. As mentioned previously, TrueLearn also has a better search function to find questions. Searching for a term or concept yields a number of relevant questions that a student could use to actively review the topic. It is much more user friendly and also yields more questions than UWorlds search function. Again, you can use the search results to make a test from any combination of new, incorrect, and/or correct questions, while in UWorld you must choose one of these options only.



Feedback and Tutor Mode


TrueLearn also has some useful features regarding feedback (in Tutor mode), that are superior to UWorld. Immediately after answering a question, students are provided with answer choice explanations, a Bottom Line, and TruLearn insights. The answer choice explanations and Bottom Line are fairly similar to UWorlds. Links to outside resources for further reference seem primarily to include UpToDate and various textbooks, for the most part. In this regard the feedback is similar to UWorld.


*Of note, TrueLearn allows Bottom Line prompts to be texted to students directly, so that they can have a running list of short, high-yield reminders. We think this is a great feature and would be extremely convenient / helpful to many students!



Unique TrueLearn Insights


The ‘TrueLearn Insights’ that are provided are unique to TrueLearn and we believe they could be very useful. TrueLearn Insights provide useful test-taking tips and big-picture advice for approaching questions that are the types of things that we tell students during tutoring sessions. For example, the insights might tell a student that while approaching an endocrinology question, its important to remember all the pathways that a hormone is involved in (to get questions right about TSH, PRL, FSH, etc.).


Alternatively, TrueLearn Insights might explain that usually in trauma questions, you can get the right answer by following the ABCs of stabilization. This is an extremely valuable resource, especially for students who do not have a tutor. It could also prod a tutor to make important connections for students, and gives a good jumping-off point for discussion. The TrueLearn insights are very high yield, and so far we have not seen any other resources that feature anything similar.



Smart Cards: TrueLearn’s Study Advice


TrueLearns Smart Cards are also potentially useful for similar reasons. They offer generalized and more targeted study advice. For example, one Smart Card talks about memory palaces, and another reinforces the concept of spaced repetition. These are present on the dashboard on log-in, and can be viewed passively or actively. They take up a large portion of the dashboard and cant be missed. The Smart Cards seem to reinforce many of the general study tips many of our tutors find themselves telling their students, and we think the passive reminder could be useful to a student who is having trouble remember to integrate these into their studying.


Smart Cards also provide targeted advice for students based on their prior performance. For example, they will alert students whether they typically change answers to or from the correct answer. A student could use this to change their test-taking strategy accordingly. However, it is worth noting that UWorld also does this to a similar degree.



TrueLearn vs. UWorld: Final Thoughts


In conclusion, TrueLearn definitely has the capacity to be a real challenger to UWorld in the future. This being said, for the time being we recommend to students that TrueLearn be used as a supplement to UWorld ONLY because it is less well tested and may have a different topical breakdown less reflective of NBME. We love the nice study tools, such as the Smart Cards, that may be helpful for some students who want a more tailored set of flashcards. We are also very excited to see what the future holds for TrueLearn once it is tested some more!


Since TrueLearn is fairly similar to UWorld and users of either platform will have no trouble learning to use the other, we recommend students access TrueLearn after completing UWorld twice. We believe users will enjoy the additional questions TrueLearn provides and also that the user interfaces and progress tracking between both platforms are similar.


If you need additional information, all USMLE studying resources are listed on our reviews page.

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About the Author

Martin B., MD

Before graduating Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from the University of Miami in 2007, Martin Bauknight was awarded the Excellence in Teaching award…

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