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2023 Guide to Creating High-Yield Flashcard Decks on UWorld

A deck of empty flashcards to be used on UWorld.


UWorld flashcards have several unique features that make them particularly well suited to USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 prep. The flashcard feature utilizes spaced repetition systems and is completely integrated with the UWorld question bank which makes creating flashcards very simple. Here’s our guide to creating UWorld cards!

UWorld in 30 Days: Making the Most out of UWorld’s Most Basic Subscription

Medical school student studying for the USMLE in a library in front of a laptop, making the most of her UWorld subscription.


Is it worth it to get UWorld’s most basic 30 day subscription? While we certainly don’t advise waiting until a month before your test date to start going through UWorld, it is actually possible to get through one full pass in only 30 days.

Elite Medical Prep’s 1 Month MCAT Study Plan

8 min


1-Month Study Planner preview image for MCAT by Elite Medical Prep


Preparing for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) can be a daunting task, but with a well-structured MCAT study schedule and the determination to stick to it, you can maximize your chances of stellar performance on this crucial component of your medical school application. Be sure to enter your email...

A Guide for Medical Education Learning Specialists: Navigating the Residency Application Process

A medical education learning specialist helping a student through the residency application process.


The role of a Medical Education Specialist in supporting students through the residency application process is invaluable. The journey toward securing a residency position can be complex, and your expertise plays a crucial role in ensuring students are well-prepared and organized. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive...

COMLEX to USMLE Conversion: Insights for Osteopathic Medical Students

An Osteopathic DO medical school student taking the USMLE Step 2 exam.


Students who have taken the COMLEX Level 1 may wonder how they can use this score to predict their USMLE Step 1 score. While the administrators of the COMLEX are currently developing a study plan for the development of a valid and reliable conversion formula of

Flash Facts: USMLE Flashcard Resource Reviews

7 min


A pen held over an empty flashcard to be used for USMLE prep.


The Best and Worst Flashcard Resources for USMLE Studies: USMLE Rx Flash Facts   There are quite a few USMLE Step 1 study resources out there and sometimes choosing the right resources can be tricky. We’ve sent some of our most experienced tutors to test out different flashcard sites and...

Two New CCSSA NBMEs Are Coming for USMLE Step 2 CK

8 min


A medical student taking a USMLE Step 2 CK practice test in a library un front of a computer.


The NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners) is releasing new CCSSAs (Comprehensive Clinical Science Self-Assessment) forms this spring on May 22nd, 2023.  What do two new Step 2 CK NBMEs mean for your study plan?    There are a few different factors that can be helpful in predicting your Step...

How I Counsel Students Based on Their UWorld Step 1 and Step 2 QBank Performance Analysis

14 min


An open laptop on the UWorld website.


When it comes to the USMLE exams, specifically, there are many data sources. In this blog post, I discuss one of the largest and most comprehensive sources: the UWorld Step 1 and Step 2 CK QBank performance analysis tools.

Here’s Why Spaced Repetition Is (Still) Important for USMLE Step 2 CK

10 min


A student studying for the USMLE Step 2 CK while practicing spaced repetition.


Spaced repetition is an active learning technique that involves taking information you need to memorize, usually in the form of flashcards, and repeating it across increasing intervals to help improve memory retention. Here’s how it can help you succeed on USMLE Step 2 CK.

A Quick User’s Guide to Pathoma for USMLE Step 1

Someone on laptop using Pathoma for USMLE Step 1


While medical school curricula often emphasize physiology, it never quite seems to stick by the time the board exams roll around. Pathoma is the best tool for this job.

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