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USMLE Scoring: How Much Do a Few Points Matter?

9 min


A USMLE testing center.


Studying for USMLE Step 1 and Step 2CK can be stressful, how ambitious should your score goal be? How well should you be scoring on practice exams before taking the real deal? What should my Step 2CK score goal be? Read on to find out!

Top 5 Bad Habits Which are Keeping You From Passing USMLE Step 1

Frustrated medical school student studying for the USMLE Step 1.


Studying for USMLE Step 1 is a daunting task, but you don’t want to study the wrong way to make matters worse. Here is a list of common bad habits students fall into when studying, and how you can avoid them to get you on the right track to passing your Step 1 exam!

You Just Found Out Your USMLE Step 1 Score! Now What?

8 min


A medical school student looking excitedly at a piece of paper after finding out that she passed Step 1.


Congratulations! You did it! You took USMLE Step 1, the test you spent months studying for, and now you’re anxiously awaiting that email notification telling you that your Step 1 score is available. So now what? 

Mnemonics Aren’t Enough to Pass USMLE Step 1

A group of medical school students studying for the USMLE Step 1.


Mnemonics are undoubtedly a fantastic way to remember information, but memorization alone won’t be enough to help you pass USMLE Step 1. Here are the benefits and limitations of mnemonics in medical school.

Dealing With Test Anxiety During Medical School

9 min


A student with eyes and ears covered dealing with test anxiety.


Testing anxiety is probably the single most common problem students report to us, and it can be a real bear to deal with. Here are few practical changes to your studying that we recommend you make in order to reduce stress and improve memory.

What to Do the Day Before Your USMLE Step 1 Exam

9 min


A medical school student relaxing at home the day before her USMLE Step 1 exam.


After months of studying, you have just one more decision left to make: how to spend your last day! Days of 10+ hours of First Aid review, UWorld questions, and flashcards are behind you; one long test day awaits you.

Why Basic Sciences Are Still Important During Preclinical Studies

A group of preclinical students in a basic sciences class.


Most medical students recognize that the basic sciences are the foundation of medical science. Yet once students are several months into medical school, its typically a constant flood of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. But don’t be fooled if your medical school skims over basic science concepts! You will need them for Step 1 and beyond!

How I Used My UWorld Subscription for MS1 and MS2

An MS2 and MS1 medical school student in front of an open laptop studying using UWorld Qbank.


While most students do not wonder if they should use UWorld, they do often ask when they should start using UWorld. Here’s why I argue that beginning USMLE studies during MS1 is not too early…

A Quick User’s Guide to Pathoma for USMLE Step 1

Someone on laptop using Pathoma for USMLE Step 1


While medical school curricula often emphasize physiology, it never quite seems to stick by the time the board exams roll around. Pathoma is the best tool for this job.

When is it Time to Get a USMLE Step 1 or Step 2 Tutor?

10 min


someone on laptop with a USMLE Step 1 Tutor


We have all been there – studying for USMLE Step 1 or 2 CK with friends, yet realizing your productivity is slipping and the test day is fast approaching. Here are the pros and cons of choosing a professional tutor over your study buddies.

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