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When to Start Studying for USMLE Step 1

Medical school student studying at home for the USMLE Step 1 with a laptop, looking at multiple textbooks.


I often recommend first-year medical students start getting facile with USMLE-specific references as they study for their medical school’s core curriculum.

How to Best Use First Aid USMLE Step 1 to Study

A medical school student using a First Aid study book to study for the USMLE Step 1.


First Aid for USMLE Step 1 is arguably the most important study resource for the USMLE Step 1 exam (alongside your favorite qbank, of course!). Together, First Aid and a well established qbank like UWorld can help both struggling students pass Step 1, and high-achievers score 260+

NBME Updates: Free Assessments & Explanations

10 min


Medical school students studying using NBME assessments.


The NBME announced that starting April 2nd they would be doing a couple of different things to help students enrich their knowledge during the pandemic-related testing delays and difficulties. There are now seven free NBME self-assessments that will be available from April 3rd – May 31st.

Without Active Learning, You Could Fail USMLE Step 1

10 min


A group of medical students studying for the USMLE Step 1.


To pass (and nail) USMLE Step 1, memorizing the facts is just not sufficient—you must be able to apply that knowledge. While you may feel accomplished reading 50 pages of First Aid in a day, the real concern is how much of that knowledge you can actually apply.

Pushing Back your USMLE Test Date Without Losing Knowledge

13 min


A medical school student reviewing her USMLE notes.


The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is a global pandemic. In this time of great uncertainty, many medical students may be wondering how to best prepare for their USMLE examinations– when they don’t know when they will be able to take their test.

USMLE Step 1 to Become Pass/Fail

A doctor announcing the change in USMLE Step 1 grading system to Pass/Fail.


Earlier today, the Invitational Conference on USMLE Scoring (InCUS) announced that the USMLE Step 1 is set to become pass/fail beginning January 1st, 2022. Here’s what that means for you.

How to Score 260 on USMLE Step 1

7 min


Medical student studying at home for the USMLE Step 1 in front of a laptop and medical textbooks.


The passing score for USMLE step 1 is 194. However, the average step score for an allopathic medical student in 2018 who matched into their preferred specialty was 232.8. A good step score is

How to Study for USMLE Step 1 During MS2

7 min


MS2 studying for the USMLE Step 1 in a library.


Learning how to study for USMLE Step 1 begins long before your dedicated period if you want to score highly on your exam. Becoming familiar with and starting to use content dense resources such as First Aid, Sketchy, and Pathoma during MS2 gives you more time to learn content and ultimately a less intense study schedule when dedicated rolls around.

Failing USMLE Step 1: What to Do

14 min


A medical school student laying her head down on a pile of USMLE Step 1 study books, holding up a "help" sign.


While 96% of USMLE test takers typically pass, if you’re someone who falls within that 4% and didn’t pass on your first try, you should know that each year over 20,000 people take USMLE Step 1. That means even within that 4%, there are at least 800 other students in your exact same situation. So, what do you do? We’ll tell you.

How to Score Above 270 on USMLE Step 1

18 min


An excited medical school student in scrubs after having received her USMLE Step 1 score report.


Having scored a 272 on Step 1 of the USMLE, I have often been asked “how in the world did you do THAT?!”. This post is an attempt to summarize what I believe were key steps in making that happen.

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